The answer to this question is explained in Elegant Objects by Yegor Bugayenko, Chapter 1, Under "1.1 Never use -er names" section.
What the author says is:
A class is a factory of objects.
A class makes objects, though we usually phrase that by saying a class instantiates them:
class Cash {
public Cash(int dollars) {
Cash five = new Cash(5);
This is different from what we call a Factory Pattern, but only because this "new" operator in Java is not as powerful as it could be. The only thing you can use it for is to make an instance—an object. If we ask class Cash to make a new object, we get a new object. There is no check for whether similar Objects already exist and can be reused, there are no parameters that would modify the behavior of new. etc.
"new" operator is a primitive control for a factory of objects.
Factory Pattern is a more powerful alternative to operator new, but conceptually they are the same. A class is a factory of objects. A class makes objects, keeps track of them, destroys them when necessary, etc.
A Factory Pattern, in Java, works like an extension to the new operator. It makes it more flexible and powerful, by adding an extra logic in front of it.
For example:
class Shapes {
public Shape make(String name) {
if (name.equals("circle")) {
return new Circle();
if (name.equals("rectangle")) {
return new Rectangle() ;
throw new IllegalArgumentException("not found");
This is a typical factory in Java that helps us instantiate objects, using textual names of their types. In the end, we still use the new operator. My point is that conceptually, there is not much difference between Factory Pattern and new operator. In a perfect OOP language this functionality would be available in the new operator.