I need help with signing Android Native app with existing .p12 certificate generated for Adobe Air. Application was done in Adobe Air few years ago, signed and published to Google play. Now when moving from Adobe Air to Android Native, in order to upgrade app to the new version on store, it needs to be signed with the same private key. The problem is that it is not possible to open/read the key via keytool on newer versions of java. Trying to read the .p12 certificate will return:
java.security.cert.CertificateException: Unable to initialize, java.io.IOException: DerInputStream.getLength(): Redundant length bytes found
keytool error: java.io.IOException: Invalid keystore format
depending on a command I'm trying to execute.
(1) Asking old friend Google didn't bring much, but more frustration. I did like it was suggested in jira ticket of openjdk, i tried to use OpenSSL to fix redundant bytes in this way:
openssl pkcs12 -in pkcs12-file -out key-and-cert -nodes -passin pass:abcXYZ
openssl pkcs12 -in key-and-cert -export -out new-pkcs12-file -passout pass:abcXYZ
This commands will execute successfully, BUT, the generated SHA1 key (...:F7) will not be the same as original one (...:E5)! That actually is not a surprise, since changing any part of the file(like removing redundant bytes) will end in different SHA key. Ok, so obviously this is not a solution.
(2) Next thing I tried, was to extract private key and certs as plain text(.pem) files from my original .p12 certificate, in order to try to create a new .jks file. So I managed to extract my private key, and my certs from original .p12 certificate into plain text. Then using keytools and openssl I tried to create my new .jks file with original data as mentioned here: How to Creat JKS KeyStore file from existing private key and certificate Well, it worked in a way that my new .jks file was created, BUT the SHA1 key (again ...:F7) was not the same as the original one (...:E5).
(3) My next step was reading and looking a much more over the internet. Found some solutions that are suggesting that conversion was last working in java 1.8.0_111, and every distribution of java above that had the same problem. So, let's install java 1.8.0_111 and give it a shot. Sure, it didn't worked. The problem stayed the same. Also tried in java 1.10, and Oracle versions, still not working
(4) Last thing I did, I installed java 1.6 and tried with it, and there was no problem, it worked perfectly, i managed to read the .p12 with no problem, convert it to .jks with no problems at all, worked like a charm. Generated SHA1 key (...:E5) was the same as the original one (...:E5)!!!
BUT, the problem is that application I need to sign with that certificate is developed with java 1.8, and java 1.8 can't read that certificate. So I'm quite frustrated at this point, since it's already couple of days I'm losing on this problem.
So, can't read it, can't regenerate it, can't sign the app ...
So my question is: is it possible, and if it is, how to sign Android apk with .p12 certificate?
I'm not sure how common this problem is, but any possible help is more then welcome.