Hello, i have the following code in SQL Server, why if i want to calculate the sTArea of @geog fails and with @geom succeed?, how can i convert this polygon from geometry to geography datatype in order to get the STArea?, thank you.
DECLARE @geom geometry;
SET @geom = geometry::STGeomFromText('POLYGON ((-99.213546752929688 19.448402404785156, -99.2157974243164 19.449802398681641, -99.2127456665039 19.450002670288086, -99.213546752929688 19.448402404785156))', 4326);
select @geom.STArea();
DECLARE @geog geography;
SET @geog = geography::STGeomFromText('POLYGON ((-99.213546752929688 19.448402404785156, -99.2157974243164 19.449802398681641, -99.2127456665039 19.450002670288086, -99.213546752929688 19.448402404785156))', 4326);
select @geog.STArea();