Final Update
From Boost 1.59.0 on the below explained scripts are now included in each Boost release.
They are located int <boost-source-dir>/libs/mpl/preprocessed/.
The README.txt in that directory should explain you how to use it. (Or just read on.)
Original answer
Because I realized that not everyone has a working bash shell at hand (yes, I mean you Windows-guys ;-)) but everyone needs a working python environment, I converted my helper bash-script I mentioned above into python:
# Copyright Deniz Bahadir 2015
# Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
# (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
# See for documentation.
# See for further information.
# See for further information.
import argparse
import sys
import os
import os.path
import re
import fileinput
import shutil
def create_more_container_files(sourceDir, suffix, maxElements, containers, containers2):
"""Creates additional files for the individual MPL-containers."""
# Create files for each MPL-container with 20 to 'maxElements' elements
# which will be used during generation.
for container in containers:
for i in range(20, maxElements, 10):
# Create copy of "template"-file.
newFile = os.path.join( sourceDir, container, container + str(i+10) + suffix )
shutil.copyfile( os.path.join( sourceDir, container, container + "20" + suffix ), newFile )
# Adjust copy of "template"-file accordingly.
for line in fileinput.input( newFile, inplace=1, mode="rU" ):
line = re.sub(r'20', re.escape(str(i+10)), line.rstrip())
line = re.sub(r'11', re.escape(str(i + 1)), line.rstrip())
line = re.sub(r'10(?![0-9])', re.escape(str(i)), line.rstrip())
for container in containers2:
for i in range(20, maxElements, 10):
# Create copy of "template"-file.
newFile = os.path.join( sourceDir, container, container + str(i+10) + "_c" + suffix )
shutil.copyfile( os.path.join( sourceDir, container, container + "20_c" + suffix ), newFile )
# Adjust copy of "template"-file accordingly.
for line in fileinput.input( newFile, inplace=1, mode="rU" ):
line = re.sub(r'20', re.escape(str(i+10)), line.rstrip())
line = re.sub(r'11', re.escape(str(i + 1)), line.rstrip())
line = re.sub(r'10(?![0-9])', re.escape(str(i)), line.rstrip())
def create_input_for_numbered_sequences(headerDir, sourceDir, containers, maxElements):
"""Creates additional source- and header-files for the numbered sequence MPL-containers."""
# Create additional container-list without "map".
containersWithoutMap = containers[:]
except ValueError:
# We can safely ignore if "map" is not contained in 'containers'!
# Create header/source-files.
create_more_container_files(headerDir, ".hpp", maxElements, containers, containersWithoutMap)
create_more_container_files(sourceDir, ".cpp", maxElements, containers, containersWithoutMap)
def adjust_container_limits_for_variadic_sequences(headerDir, containers, maxElements):
"""Adjusts the limits of variadic sequence MPL-containers."""
for container in containers:
headerFile = os.path.join( headerDir, "limits", container + ".hpp" )
regexMatch = r'(define\s+BOOST_MPL_LIMIT_' + container.upper() + r'_SIZE\s+)[0-9]+'
regexReplace = r'\g<1>' + re.escape( str(maxElements) )
for line in fileinput.input( headerFile, inplace=1, mode="rU" ):
line = re.sub(regexMatch, regexReplace, line.rstrip())
def to_positive_multiple_of_10(string):
"""Converts a string into its encoded positive integer (greater zero) or throws an exception."""
value = int(string)
except ValueError:
msg = '"%r" is not a positive multiple of 10 (greater zero).' % string
raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError(msg)
if value <= 0 or value % 10 != 0:
msg = '"%r" is not a positive multiple of 10 (greater zero).' % string
raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError(msg)
return value
def to_existing_absolute_path(string):
"""Converts a path into its absolute path and verifies that it exists or throws an exception."""
value = os.path.abspath(string)
if not os.path.exists( value ) or not os.path.isdir( value ):
msg = '"%r" is not a valid path to a directory.' % string
raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError(msg)
return value
def main():
"""The main function."""
# Prepare and run cmdline-parser.
cmdlineParser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="A generator-script for pre-processed Boost.MPL headers.")
cmdlineParser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", dest='verbose', action='store_true',
help="Be a little bit more verbose.")
cmdlineParser.add_argument("-s", "--sequence-type", dest='seqType', choices=['variadic', 'numbered', 'both'],
help="Only update pre-processed headers for the selected sequence types, "
"either 'numbered' sequences, 'variadic' sequences or 'both' sequence "
"types. (Default=both)")
cmdlineParser.add_argument("--no-vector", dest='want_vector', action='store_false',
help="Do not update pre-processed headers for Boost.MPL Vector.")
cmdlineParser.add_argument("--no-list", dest='want_list', action='store_false',
help="Do not update pre-processed headers for Boost.MPL List.")
cmdlineParser.add_argument("--no-set", dest='want_set', action='store_false',
help="Do not update pre-processed headers for Boost.MPL Set.")
cmdlineParser.add_argument("--no-map", dest='want_map', action='store_false',
help="Do not update pre-processed headers for Boost.MPL Map.")
cmdlineParser.add_argument("--num-elements", dest='numElements', metavar="<num-elements>",
type=to_positive_multiple_of_10, default=100,
help="The maximal number of elements per container sequence. (Default=100)")
cmdlineParser.add_argument(dest='sourceDir', metavar="<source-dir>",
help="The source-directory of Boost.")
args = cmdlineParser.parse_args()
# Some verbose debug output.
if args.verbose:
print "Arguments extracted from command-line:"
print " verbose = ", args.verbose
print " source directory = ", args.sourceDir
print " num elements = ", args.numElements
print " sequence type = ", args.seqType
print " want: vector = ", args.want_vector
print " want: list = ", args.want_list
print " want: set = ", args.want_set
print " want: map = ", args.want_map
# The directories for header- and source files of Boost.MPL.
# NOTE: Assuming 'args.sourceDir' is the source-directory of the entire boost project.
headerDir = os.path.join( args.sourceDir, "boost", "mpl" )
sourceDir = os.path.join( args.sourceDir, "libs", "mpl", "preprocessed" )
# Check that the header/source-directories exist.
if not os.path.exists( headerDir ) or not os.path.exists( sourceDir ):
# Maybe 'args.sourceDir' is not the source-directory of the entire boost project
# but instead of the Boost.MPL git-directory, only?
headerDir = os.path.join( args.sourceDir, "include", "boost", "mpl" )
sourceDir = os.path.join( args.sourceDir, "preprocessed" )
if not os.path.exists( headerDir ) or not os.path.exists( sourceDir ):
print "error: Cannot find Boost.MPL header/source files in given Boost source-directory!"
# Some verbose debug output.
if args.verbose:
print "Chosen header-directory: ", headerDir
print "Chosen source-directory: ", sourceDir
# Create list of containers for which files shall be pre-processed.
containers = []
if args.want_vector:
if args.want_list:
if args.want_set:
if args.want_map:
if containers == []:
print "Nothing to do. (Why did you prevent generating pre-processed headers for all Boost.MPL container types?"
# Some verbose debug output.
if args.verbose:
print "Containers for which to pre-process headers: ", containers
# Create (additional) input files for generating pre-processed headers of numbered sequence MPL containers.
if args.seqType == "both" or args.seqType == "numbered":
create_input_for_numbered_sequences(headerDir, sourceDir, containers, args.numElements)
# Modify settings for generating pre-processed headers of variadic sequence MPL containers.
if args.seqType == "both" or args.seqType == "variadic":
adjust_container_limits_for_variadic_sequences(headerDir, containers, args.numElements)
# Generate MPL-preprocessed files.
os.chdir( sourceDir )
if args.seqType == "both" or args.seqType == "numbered":
if args.want_vector:
if args.verbose:
print "Pre-process headers for Boost.MPL numbered vectors."
os.system( "python " + os.path.join( sourceDir, "" ) + " all " + args.sourceDir )
if args.want_list:
if args.verbose:
print "Pre-process headers for Boost.MPL numbered lists."
os.system( "python " + os.path.join( sourceDir, "" ) + " all " + args.sourceDir )
if args.want_set:
if args.verbose:
print "Pre-process headers for Boost.MPL numbered sets."
os.system( "python " + os.path.join( sourceDir, "" ) + " all " + args.sourceDir )
if args.want_map:
if args.verbose:
print "Pre-process headers for Boost.MPL numbered maps."
os.system( "python " + os.path.join( sourceDir, "" ) + " all " + args.sourceDir )
if args.seqType == "both" or args.seqType == "variadic":
if args.verbose:
print "Pre-process headers for Boost.MPL variadic containers."
os.system( "python " + os.path.join( sourceDir, "" ) + " all " + args.sourceDir )
if __name__ == '__main__':
Running it with
python --help
gives some usage information.
But you can also just run it with a single command-line parameter which determines the path to the Boost source-directory (e.g. python ./boost-source
) and use the default behavior.
This results in creating preprocessed headers for all four Boost.MPL container types (vector
, list
, set
and map
) with their numbered and variadic form.
As a side effect when preprocessing Boost.MPL containers in their variadic form, the value of their associated limit-macros BOOST_MPL_LIMIT_container_SIZE
will be modified, too. It gets the number of elements determined when calling
For example, the following call preprocesses only the variadic form of Boost.MPL vector
and also sets the macro BOOST_MPL_LIMIT_VECTOR_SIZE
in ./boost-source/boost/mpl/limits/vector.hpp
to 70
$ python --no-list --no-set --no-map \
--sequence-type=variadic --num-elements=70 ./boost-source
Since Boost 1.56 pre-processing Boost.MPL containers even with the above script did no longer work, because of changes in the header-comments, the original python-scripts relied on.
The following script can be used to fix this problem. It just adds the missing information into the header-comments.
# Copyright Deniz Bahadir 2015
# Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
# (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
# See for documentation.
# See for further information.
import argparse
import sys
import os.path
import re
import fileinput
import datetime
import glob
def fix_header_comment(filename, timestamp):
"""Fixes the header-comment of the given file."""
# Fix input file.
name = os.path.basename( filename )
for line in fileinput.input( filename, inplace=1, mode="rU" ):
# If header-comment already contains anything for '$Id$', remove it.
line = re.sub(r'\$Id:[^$]+\$', r'$Id$', line.rstrip())
# Replace '$Id$' by a string containing the file's name (and a timestamp)!
line = re.sub(re.escape(r'$Id$'), r'$Id: ' + name + r' ' + timestamp.isoformat() + r' $', line.rstrip())
def fix_input_files_for_variadic_seq(sourceDir, timestamp):
"""Fixes files used as input when pre-processing MPL-containers in their variadic form."""
files = glob.glob( os.path.join( sourceDir, "src", "*" ) )
for currentFile in sorted( files ):
fix_header_comment( currentFile, timestamp )
def fix_input_files_for_numbered_seq(sourceDir, suffix, timestamp, containers):
"""Fixes files used as input when pre-processing MPL-containers in their numbered form."""
# Fix input files for each MPL-container type.
for container in containers:
files = glob.glob( os.path.join( sourceDir, container, container + '*' + suffix ) )
for currentFile in sorted( files ):
fix_header_comment( currentFile, timestamp )
def fix_input_files(headerDir, sourceDir, containers=['vector', 'list', 'set', 'map'], verbose='false'):
"""Fixes source- and header-files used as input when pre-processing MPL-containers."""
# The new modification time.
timestamp =;
# Fix the input files.
if verbose:
print "Fix input files for pre-processing Boost.MPL variadic containers."
fix_input_files_for_variadic_seq(sourceDir, timestamp)
if verbose:
print "Fix input files for pre-processing Boost.MPL numbered containers."
fix_input_files_for_numbered_seq(headerDir, ".hpp", timestamp, containers)
fix_input_files_for_numbered_seq(sourceDir, ".cpp", timestamp, containers)
def to_existing_absolute_path(string):
"""Converts a path into its absolute path and verifies that it exists or throws an exception."""
value = os.path.abspath(string)
if not os.path.exists( value ) or not os.path.isdir( value ):
msg = '"%r" is not a valid path to a directory.' % string
raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError(msg)
return value
def main():
"""The main function."""
# Prepare and run cmdline-parser.
cmdlineParser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description="Fixes the input files used for pre-processing of Boost.MPL headers.")
cmdlineParser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", dest='verbose', action='store_true',
help="Be a little bit more verbose.")
cmdlineParser.add_argument(dest='sourceDir', metavar="<source-dir>",
help="The source-directory of Boost.")
args = cmdlineParser.parse_args()
# Some verbose debug output.
if args.verbose:
print "Arguments extracted from command-line:"
print " verbose = ", args.verbose
print " source directory = ", args.sourceDir
# The directories for header- and source files of Boost.MPL.
# NOTE: Assuming 'args.sourceDir' is the source-directory of the entire boost project.
headerDir = os.path.join( args.sourceDir, "boost", "mpl" )
sourceDir = os.path.join( args.sourceDir, "libs", "mpl", "preprocessed" )
# Check that the header/source-directories exist.
if not os.path.exists( headerDir ) or not os.path.exists( sourceDir ):
# Maybe 'args.sourceDir' is not the source-directory of the entire boost project
# but instead of the Boost.MPL git-directory, only?
headerDir = os.path.join( args.sourceDir, "include", "boost", "mpl" )
sourceDir = os.path.join( args.sourceDir, "preprocessed" )
if not os.path.exists( headerDir ) or not os.path.exists( sourceDir ):
print "error: Cannot find Boost.MPL header/source files in given Boost source-directory!"
# Some verbose debug output.
if args.verbose:
print "Chosen header-directory: ", headerDir
print "Chosen source-directory: ", sourceDir
# Fix input file for generating pre-processed headers.
fix_input_files(headerDir, sourceDir, verbose = args.verbose)
if __name__ == '__main__':
Run it like so:
$ python ./boost-source