The JSDoc docs say
Copying a directory of images to the output directory. To copy all of the static files in ./myproject/static to the output directory:
"default": { "staticFiles": { "include": [ "./myproject/static" ] } }
If your static files directory contains the file ./myproject/static/img/screen.png, you can display the image in your docs by using the HTML tag
<img src="img/screen.png">.
And so I have this in my jsdoc.config.json
"templates": {
"default": {
"staticFiles": {
"include": [
My css file gets added to the folder with my generated docs,
but I would really like all my generated docs to include that css file, and not have to manually put a <style src="index.css" />
tag manually into my auto-generated docs
It's not there in the head of my auto generated docs, as you can see from the picture below
I would like the head to be something like
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>JSDoc: Home</title>
<script src="scripts/prettify/prettify.js"> </script>
<script src="scripts/prettify/lang-css.js"> </script>
<!--[if lt IE 9]>
<script src="//"></script>
<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="index.css">
go? – Clingstone