The Microsoft Office support article "Add or register an ActiveX control" says:
IMPORTANT: Not all ActiveX controls can be used directly on worksheets; some can be used only on Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) UserForms. When you work with these controls, Excel displays the message Cannot insert object if you try to add them to a worksheet.
However, I cannot find documented anywhere the requirements that are necessary and sufficient for a control to be used directly on a worksheet.
I have created a new C++/ATL Project, to which I have added an ATL Control, accepting the defaults throughout. After compiling, building and registering the control, it appears in Excel's list of "More Controls" (accessed under Developer > Insert > ActiveX Controls > More Controls...) but upon attempting to insert into the worksheet one sees this "Cannot insert object" error.
What changes must I make to fix this?
Where are Excel's requirements of ActiveX controls documented?
For what it's worth, I've verified that the control generated by the wizard does otherwise work fine (tested with ActiveX Control Test Container, which I built from the Visual C++ 2008 samples pack).
Furthermore, I'm aware that the documentation for the ATL Control wizard's "Appearance" tab describes the "Insertable" checkbox as follows:
Select this option to have your control appear in the Insert Object dialog box of applications such as Word and Excel. Your control can then be inserted by any application that supports embedded objects through this dialog box.
However, this checkbox (which simply adds the "Insertable" subkey to the registry), only causes the control to appear in the Insert > Text > Object dialog—for the avoidance of doubt, I have tried both with and without this checked and the same error is produced either way.
I'm currently comparing traces of Excel's execution paths when attempting to insert my control against that when attempting to insert a working (Forms 2.0) control. The key difference appears to lie in VBE7.dll whilst loading the type library (which the OLE/COM Object Viewer is able to load correctly from my DLL—yet after Excel has performed all the same reads therefrom, it aborts before writing out an EXD)... I'm digging through some assembly right now in the vain hope that I'll figure it out—but surely someone who has built a working control for Excel and knows what I'm missing can spare me this pain?!
Microsoft Windows 10 Pro v1511 (10.0.10586.164) 64-bit
Microsoft Excel 2016 MSO (16.0.4312.1000) 64-bit
Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2015 (14.0.24720.00 Update 1)