This topic has bring curiosity to me. Although it has been answered, I'd like to share what I've found though I didn't do intense tracing.
It doesn't matter whether the cache is enabled / disabled, the table schema will be cached.
It will be cached during save process.
Mage_Core_Model_Abstract -> save()
Mage_Core_Model_Resource_Db_Abstract -> save(Mage_Core_Model_Abstract $object)
public function save(Mage_Core_Model_Abstract $object)
//any conditional will eventually call for:
protected function _prepareDataForSave(Mage_Core_Model_Abstract $object)
return $this->_prepareDataForTable($object, $this->getMainTable());
protected function _prepareDataForTable(Varien_Object $object, $table)
$data = array();
$fields = $this->_getWriteAdapter()->describeTable($table);
foreach (array_keys($fields) as $field) {
if ($object->hasData($field)) {
$fieldValue = $object->getData($field);
if ($fieldValue instanceof Zend_Db_Expr) {
$data[$field] = $fieldValue;
} else {
if (null !== $fieldValue) {
$fieldValue = $this->_prepareTableValueForSave($fieldValue, $fields[$field]['DATA_TYPE']);
$data[$field] = $this->_getWriteAdapter()->prepareColumnValue($fields[$field], $fieldValue);
} else if (!empty($fields[$field]['NULLABLE'])) {
$data[$field] = null;
return $data;
See the line: $fields = $this->_getWriteAdapter()->describeTable($table);
public function describeTable($tableName, $schemaName = null)
$cacheKey = $this->_getTableName($tableName, $schemaName);
$ddl = $this->loadDdlCache($cacheKey, self::DDL_DESCRIBE);
if ($ddl === false) {
$ddl = parent::describeTable($tableName, $schemaName);
* Remove bug in some MySQL versions, when int-column without default value is described as:
* having default empty string value
$affected = array('tinyint', 'smallint', 'mediumint', 'int', 'bigint');
foreach ($ddl as $key => $columnData) {
if (($columnData['DEFAULT'] === '') && (array_search($columnData['DATA_TYPE'], $affected) !== FALSE)) {
$ddl[$key]['DEFAULT'] = null;
$this->saveDdlCache($cacheKey, self::DDL_DESCRIBE, $ddl);
return $ddl;
As we can see:
$ddl = $this->loadDdlCache($cacheKey, self::DDL_DESCRIBE);
will try to load the schema from cache.
If the value is not exists: if ($ddl === false)
it will create one: $this->saveDdlCache($cacheKey, self::DDL_DESCRIBE, $ddl);
So the problem that occurred in this question will be happened if we ever save the model that is going to be altered (add column, etc).
Because it has ever been $model->save()
, the schema will be cached.
Later after he add new column and "do saving", it will load the schema from cache (which is not containing the new column) and resulting as: the data for new column is failed to be saved in database