Figured it out.
In this case, the UIWebView acts as if it's an iFrame on an HTML page, which has a source of some powerpoint file. So, there are certain things you can do to it, and certain properties that are exposed.
I found that document.all (an array) has elements - LOTS of elements. My 20 page powerpoint test file had over 300 elements. Looking at width / height of them was not overly helpful - some were the dimensions of the iframe itself, some were the dimensions from top-left pixel of slide 1 to bottom-right pixel of slide N, some were 0x0, and some (burried in the middle) were the dimensions of a slide. The pattern I found was that you have to skip the first element in document.all, and iterate through until you found one with non-zero width/height, who have identical values for clientHeight, offsetHeight, scrollHeight, as well as identical values for clientWidth, offsetWidth, and scrollWidth. The first one of these will give you the height/width of a single slide, and you can go from there. And, of course, because you're using a UIWebView, and only have stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString to work with, you need to do this all in one line of javascript that returns the value.
So, to extract width/height of a powerpoint presentation, you can write:
NSString *w=[webview stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString:@"function x(){var rtn='';for (var i=1;i<document.all.length;i++){var a=document.all[i];if (((a.clientWidth>0)&&(a.clientHeight>0))&&(a.scrollHeight.toString()==a.offsetHeight.toString())&&(a.offsetHeight.toString()==a.clientHeight.toString())){return ''+a.offsetWidth; }}return rtn;};x();"];
NSString *h=[webview stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString:@"function x(){var rtn='';for (var i=1;i<document.all.length;i++){var a=document.all[i];if (((a.clientWidth>0)&&(a.clientHeight>0))&&(a.scrollHeight.toString()==a.offsetHeight.toString())&&(a.offsetHeight.toString()==a.clientHeight.toString())){return ''+a.offsetHeight; }}return rtn;};x();"];
and do whatever you need to with width/height from that point on.
Oh, and document.all isn't populated immediately once your document is loaded - UIWebView seems to need a few milliseconds to gather that and make it available. I run this 1 second after my webview has finished loading, and it works great on both ppt and pptx files. it does NOT work on pdf, though.