I'd like to use AnsiColorLogger to get color ouput from Ant. I'm using Git Bash on Windows.
I tried:
$ ant -logger org.apache.tools.ant.listener.AnsiColorLogger
but my output looks like:
Buildfile: c:\foo\build.xml
←[2;36m [junit] Testsuite: org.foo.BarTest←[m
←[2;36m [junit] Tests run: 1, Failures: 1, Errors: 0, Time elapsed: 0.188 sec←[m
←[2;36m [junit] ←[m
←[2;36m [junit] Testcase: testInherits took 0.175 sec←[m
←[2;36m [junit] FAILED←[m
←[2;36m [junit] subdir not child←[m
←[2;36m [junit] junit.framework.AssertionFailedError: subdir not child←[m
←[2;36m [junit] at org.foo.BarTest.testInherits(BarTest.java:61)←[m
←[2;36m [junit] ←[m
←[2;31m [junit] Test org.foo.BarTest FAILED←[m
I know ANSI colors work, at least partially, in Git Bash because commands like ls -ACF --color=auto
produce nicely colored output.
What's the trick for Ant?