The link: posted by user3690414 pretty much explains what the different keys stands for.
To interpret the raw bencoded string:
d5:filesd20:¼€™rÄ2ÞÊþVA .]á^¦d8:completei285e10:downloadedi22911e10:incompletei9eeee
you need to understand how bencoding works:
The most essential to know here is that that every entry in a bencoded dictionary is a Key,Value-pair.
Where Key is a byte string
and Value one of the following types: byte string, integer, a list or a dictionary.
With that in mind the raw string can be broken down like this:
d // The first d indicates the start of the Root dictionary
5:files // that has a Key with a 5 byte string name 'files',
d // the value of the 'files'-key is a second dictionary
20:¼€™rÄ2ÞÊþVA .]á^¦ // that has a Key 20 byte = 160 bit big endian SHA1 info-hash
d // the value of that key is a third dictionary
8:complete // that has a Key with a 8 byte string name 'complete',
i285e // the value of that key is a Integer=285
10:downloaded // that has a Key with a 10 byte string name 'downloaded',
i22911e // the value of that key is a Integer=22911
10:incomplete // that has a Key with a 10 byte string name 'incomplete',
i9e // the value of that key is a Integer=9
e // this e indicates the end of the third dictionary
e // this e indicates the end of the second dictionary
e // this e indicates the end of the Root dictionary
Hope this helps to understand the output from 'bencoded.php'.
If you want to make the 160 bit big endian SHA1 info-hash [¼€™rÄ2ÞÊþVA .]á^¦]
more human readable, I suggest that you output it as 40 byte hex-encoded string: