I am using React + Redux, and after reading about react-router-redux and redux-router, and after reading Dan Abramov's answer, I decided to use "vanilla" react-router (I don't care about time travel etc. at this point).
The only open question left is how to handle state across different routes. Each route sub-tree can be a different and independent section in my application (especially when it become bigger). Is it still a good practice to have one store to handle all routes/ pages? Shouldn't I (at least) have a different store/state for each main route path?
I think routes should be some kind of stateless and independent, meaning that if I go directly to one of my links, it should work, and won't be aware of other sibling routes. Should I reflect it to my store?
After some more thinking, I guess that using different reducers + "CombineReducers" will do the trick. The only thing left to for me to verify is that state of former routes does not persist while navigating