I have som PNG image links that I want to download, "convert to thumbnails" and save to PDF using Python and Cairo.
Now, I have a working code, but I don't know how to control image size on paper. Is there a way to resize a PyCairo Surface to the dimensions I want (which happens to be smaller than the original)? I want the original pixels to be "shrinked" to a higher resolution (on paper).
Also, I tried Image.rescale()
function from PIL, but it gives me back a 20x20 pixel output (out of a 200x200 pixel original image, which is not the banner example on the code). What I want is a 200x200 pixel image plotted inside a 20x20 mm square on paper (instead of a 200x200 mm square as I am getting now)
My current code is:
import cairo, urllib, StringIO, Image # could I do it without Image module?
paper_width = 210
paper_height = 297
margin = 20
point_to_milimeter = 72/25.4
pdfname = "out.pdf"
pdf = cairo.PDFSurface(pdfname , paper_width*point_to_milimeter, paper_height*point_to_milimeter)
cr = cairo.Context(pdf)
cr.scale(point_to_milimeter, point_to_milimeter)
# are these StringIO operations really necessary?
imagebuffer = StringIO.StringIO()
im.save(imagebuffer, format="PNG")
imagesurface = cairo.ImageSurface.create_from_png(imagebuffer)
### EDIT: best answer from Jeremy, and an alternate answer from mine:
best_answer = True # put false to use my own alternate answer
if best_answer:
cr.scale(0.5, 0.5)
cr.set_source_surface(imagesurface, margin, margin)
cr.set_source_surface(imagesurface, margin, margin)
pattern = cr.get_source()
scalematrix = cairo.Matrix() # this can also be used to shear, rotate, etc.
scalematrix.scale(2,2) # matrix numbers seem to be the opposite - the greater the number, the smaller the source
scalematrix.translate(-margin,-margin) # this is necessary, don't ask me why - negative values!!
Note that the beautiful Cairo banner does not even fit the page... The ideal result would be that I could control the width and height of this image in user space units (milimeters, in this case), to create a nice header image, for example.
Thanks for reading and for any help or comment!!