Currently working on a project where my Spring Boot project needs to leverage multiple data sources or schema in the same DB server. I have found several tutorials that teach multiple data source configuration in spring boot where entity foo exists in DataSource A and bar exists in DataSource B namely below., and-spring-data-jpa/
But my use case is that entities foo and bar are present in multiple schema and I want to use a single entity and repository to access all schema.Data is not replicated in all schema.It is divided among them.
So if I need to search for User John Doe I have to go through Schema 1 and if I don't find him, move onto the next schema.
I have tried all the above tutorials(even though they don't line up with my use case) with the hope that I could hack it to get it working just as a proof of concept. I have also looked into AbstractRoutingDataSource ( , and MultiTentancy but both of these talk about having access to a single schema at any point in time. I just need some guidance or link to follow and get this accomplished.
Thanks in advance.