I have researched the subject for some time now and still haven't figure it out. I use midas3 library (Midi-actionscript3) to import midi to flash. I get each note-item on a timeline. I get the divisions value (192) and all of the "GET-TEMPO" elements are equal to 81.
I tried a lot of combinations to get the actual time of the midi but still no good (timeline*192/60 for example).
The reason I know it is not synchronized to the actual time is that when I visualize the notes as simple rectangles in flash - I check if they appear exactly to what the mp3 file plays (I have converted the midi file to this mp3 using simple conversion program)
I have read a lot about how all is calculated but still haven't figure out the number I need to use to get it right (timeline * MysteriusConstant = ReaTIME, what is the value of MysteriusConstant? is it really constant? and if not how do I calculate how it is changed?)
thanks Alon
tempo * division
just in case your software needs to support it in the future. – Afflictive