I'm doing some multi-threading. I have a worker class with a work
method, which I send into a separate QThread
. The work
method has a conditioned while loop inside. I want to be able to send a signal to the worker object to stop it (changing the _running
condition to false). This will cause the while loop to exit, and a finished signal to be sent from the worker object (which is connected to the quit slot of the worker's thread).
The false condition is sent to the worker object via a signal, but it is never received, which I believe is because the while loop blocks the event-loop of its thread. Even if I put QCoreApplication.processEvents()
inside the while loop, nothing happens. Where is the problem? Why isn't the signal processed? (Notice that the print statement in the stop slot on the Worker is never executed - but the weird thing is, the thread does seem to stop in a wrong way).
Here is the code:
import time, sys
from PyQt4.QtCore import *
from PyQt4.QtGui import *
class Worker(QObject):
sgnFinished = pyqtSignal()
def __init__(self, parent):
QObject.__init__(self, parent)
self._running = True
def stop():
print 'stop signal received, switching while loop condition to false'
self._running = False
def work(self):
while self._running: #this blocks the thread, if changed to an if clause, thread finishes as expected!
QCoreApplication.processEvents() #this doesn't help!
print 'doing work...'
#do some cleanup here, then signal the worker is done
class Client(QObject):
sgnStop = pyqtSignal()
def __init__(self, parent):
QObject.__init__(self, parent)
self._thread = None
self._worker = None
def toggle(self, enable):
if enable:
if not self._thread:
self._thread = QThread()
self._worker = Worker(None)
print 'sending stop signal to the worker object'
self.sgnStop.emit() #send a queuedconnection type signal to the worker, because its in another thread
def on_worker_done(self):
print 'workers job was interrupted manually'
#self._thread.wait() not sure this is neccessary
if __name__ == '__main__':
app = QCoreApplication(sys.argv)
client = Client(None)
raw_input('Press something')