HEAD requests with aiohttp is dog slow
Asked Answered



Given a list of 50k websites urls, I've been tasked to find out which of them are up/reachable. The idea is just to send a HEAD request to each URL and look at the status response. From what I hear an asynchronous approach is the way to go and for now I'm using asyncio with aiohttp.

I came up with the following code but the speed is pretty abysmal. 1000 URLs takes approximately 200 seconds on my 10mbit connection. I don't know what speeds to expect but I'm new to asynchronous programming in Python so I figured I've stepped wrong somewhere. As you can see I've tried increasing the number of allowed simultaneous connections to 1000 (up from the default of 100) and the duration for which DNS resolves are kept in the cache; neither to any great effect. The environment has Python 3.6 and aiohttp 3.5.4.

Code review unrelated to the question is also appreciated.

import asyncio
import time
from socket import gaierror
from typing import List, Tuple

import aiohttp
from aiohttp.client_exceptions import TooManyRedirects

# Using a non-default user-agent seems to avoid lots of 403 (Forbidden) errors
    'user-agent': ('Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_10_5) '
                   'AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) '
                   'Chrome/45.0.2454.101 Safari/537.36'),

async def get_status_code(session: aiohttp.ClientSession, url: str) -> Tuple[int, str]:
        # A HEAD request is quicker than a GET request
        resp = await session.head(url, allow_redirects=True, ssl=False, headers=HEADERS)
        async with resp:
            status = resp.status
            reason = resp.reason
        if status == 405:
            # HEAD request not allowed, fall back on GET
            resp = await session.get(
                url, allow_redirects=True, ssl=False, headers=HEADERS)
            async with resp:
                status = resp.status
                reason = resp.reason
        return (status, reason)
    except aiohttp.InvalidURL as e:
        return (900, str(e))
    except aiohttp.ClientConnectorError:
        return (901, "Unreachable")
    except gaierror as e:
        return (902, str(e))
    except aiohttp.ServerDisconnectedError as e:
        return (903, str(e))
    except aiohttp.ClientOSError as e:
        return (904, str(e))
    except TooManyRedirects as e:
        return (905, str(e))
    except aiohttp.ClientResponseError as e:
        return (906, str(e))
    except aiohttp.ServerTimeoutError:
        return (907, "Connection timeout")
    except asyncio.TimeoutError:
        return (908, "Connection timeout")

async def get_status_codes(loop: asyncio.events.AbstractEventLoop, urls: List[str],
                           timeout: int) -> List[Tuple[int, str]]:
    conn = aiohttp.TCPConnector(limit=1000, ttl_dns_cache=300)
    client_timeout = aiohttp.ClientTimeout(connect=timeout)
    async with aiohttp.ClientSession(
            loop=loop, timeout=client_timeout, connector=conn) as session:
        codes = await asyncio.gather(*(get_status_code(session, url) for url in urls))
        return codes

def poll_urls(urls: List[str], timeout=20) -> List[Tuple[int, str]]:
    :param timeout: in seconds
    print("Started polling")
    time1 = time.time()
    loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
    codes = loop.run_until_complete(get_status_codes(loop, urls, timeout))
    time2 = time.time()
    dt = time2 - time1
    print(f"Polled {len(urls)} websites in {dt:.1f} seconds "
          f"at {len(urls)/dt:.3f} URLs/sec")
    return codes
Thapsus answered 19/3, 2019 at 22:37 Comment(0)

Right now you're launching all your requests at once. Thus probably bottleneck appeared somewhere. To avoid this situation semaphore can be used:

# code

sem = asyncio.Semaphore(200)

async def get_status_code(session: aiohttp.ClientSession, url: str) -> Tuple[int, str]:
        async with sem:
            resp = await session.head(url, allow_redirects=True, ssl=False, headers=HEADERS)
            # code

I tested it following way:

    for _ 
    in range(2000)

And got:

Started polling
Polled 2000 websites in 13.2 seconds at 151.300 URLs/sec

Although it requests a single host, it shows that asynchronous approach does the job: 13 sec. < 2000 sec.

Several more things can be done:

  • You should play semaphore value to achieve better performance for your concrete environment and task.

  • Try to lower timeout from 20 to, let's say, 5 seconds: since you're just doing head request it shouldn't take much time. If request hangs for 5 seconds there are good chances it won't be successful at all.

  • Monitoring your system resources (network/CPU/RAM) while script running can help to find out if bottleneck is still present.

  • By the way, did you install aiodns (as doc suggests)?

  • Does disabling ssl change anything?

  • Try to enable debug level of logging to see if there is any useful info there

  • Try to setup client tracing and especially measure time for each request step to see which ones take most time

It's difficult to say more without fully reproducible situation.

Botswana answered 20/3, 2019 at 21:35 Comment(7)
Given that there's only a single eventloop on a single thread, is not using a semaphore of 200 the same as just initializing with aiohttp.TCPConnector(limit=200)? I'm getting 60 URLs/sec on polling httbin, which is low but wtihin range I suppose, but 10 URLs/sec (up from 5/sec since I'm also using sock_read=20 timeout) when using my own data. I don't understand why there's a difference if I'm launching all requests at one. I've played around with the aforementioned limit and there's no significant difference between 200 and 1K given a list of 1K URLs.Thapsus
To add, there's no significant load on my system. CPU cores stay below 20 %; no ram usage, up/down network speed below 70kb/s. I tried lowering both sock_read and sock_connect down from 20 sec to 5, but the speed on my own URLs is exactly the same, around 10/sec while the httpbin is around 120/sec. So httbin reacts to lower timeouts but my data (which has lots of difference errors, such as 404, reset by peer, unreachable, forbidden, what have you) does not.Thapsus
is not using a semaphore of 200 the same as just initializing with aiohttp.TCPConnector(limit=200)? - can't say for sure, but intuition says that it's better not to start request before we want instead of relaying on underlying aiohttp connection pool. For example, without semaphore when DNS resolving timeout starts - when session.head invoked or when connection actually available? With semaphore you can be sure if won't start too soon. ||| I also updated answer with few more options you can try.Botswana
This is a very interesting question. I looked at the code. Shouldn't you be reading in a list of URLs, probably from a CSV, or text file? I don't see any way to scan through a list of URLs scan. How is that done? Thanks.Affricate
@asher urls are plain string and shouldn't take too much RAM unless you have billions of them. But if this is the case, then yes, you should read them from storage on demand. I would say DB will fit most, asyncio has some drivers. Reading from CSV or other file can be done with some aiofiles wrapper, but it'll be more complicated and less efficient than DB.Botswana
Thanks. So, when I run the OPs code, I can see it do something, but it doesn't seem to do anything useful. I don't see how it is reading through a list of URLs and I don't see any message printed in the console, so there doesn't seem to be any confirmation of any work being done. Am I missing something or is this the expected result?Affricate
@asher OPs code prints results of its work once finished. Take a look at second print inside poll_urlsBotswana

Instead of passing headers and ssl parameters to each request, add them to ClientSession and TCPConnector constructors respectively. This may help to increase your code speed slightly. Below is the changed code:

async def get_status_code(session: aiohttp.ClientSession, url: str) -> Tuple[int, str]:
        # A HEAD request is quicker than a GET request
        resp = await session.head(url, allow_redirects=True)

async def get_status_codes(loop: asyncio.events.AbstractEventLoop, urls: List[str],
                           timeout: int) -> List[Tuple[int, str]]:
    conn = aiohttp.TCPConnector(limit=1000, ttl_dns_cache=300, ssl=False)
    client_timeout = aiohttp.ClientTimeout(connect=timeout)

    async with aiohttp.ClientSession(
            loop=loop, timeout=client_timeout, connector=conn, headers=headers) as session:
Stinson answered 26/7, 2023 at 17:4 Comment(0)

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