I'm currently writing a little paint application where the user is able to draw on a Panel. I am working on the select tool and want to be able to select a certain area of the Panel, and then paste this selected area directly into a PictureBox that I have just to the right of the Panel.
My problem is that my code at the moment is not working correctly, when I try to paste the Bitmap that I am creating from the panel I am getting a big red X in the PictureBox instead of the actual image. I know that the image is copying to the Bitmap correctly because I tried putting some code around it to save it to disk as a jpeg and then look at the image, and it is all displaying fine.
Here is my code:
private void tbCopy_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
int width = selectList[0].getEnd().X - selectList[0].getInitial().X;
int height = selectList[0].getEnd().Y - selectList[0].getInitial().Y;
using (Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(width, height))
pnlDraw.DrawToBitmap(bmp, new System.Drawing.Rectangle(
width, height));
pbPasteBox.Image = bmp;
the width and height are just the dimensions of the area that I want to copy, and selectList is a List that contains one object which contains the coordinates of the area I want to copy.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.