If the need is to convert "òéışöç->oeisoc", you can use this a starting point :
public class AsciiUtils {
private static final String PLAIN_ASCII =
"AaEeIiOoUu" // grave
+ "AaEeIiOoUuYy" // acute
+ "AaEeIiOoUuYy" // circumflex
+ "AaOoNn" // tilde
+ "AaEeIiOoUuYy" // umlaut
+ "Aa" // ring
+ "Cc" // cedilla
+ "OoUu" // double acute
private static final String UNICODE =
+ "\u00C1\u00E1\u00C9\u00E9\u00CD\u00ED\u00D3\u00F3\u00DA\u00FA\u00DD\u00FD"
+ "\u00C2\u00E2\u00CA\u00EA\u00CE\u00EE\u00D4\u00F4\u00DB\u00FB\u0176\u0177"
+ "\u00C3\u00E3\u00D5\u00F5\u00D1\u00F1"
+ "\u00C4\u00E4\u00CB\u00EB\u00CF\u00EF\u00D6\u00F6\u00DC\u00FC\u0178\u00FF"
+ "\u00C5\u00E5"
+ "\u00C7\u00E7"
+ "\u0150\u0151\u0170\u0171"
// private constructor, can't be instanciated!
private AsciiUtils() { }
// remove accentued from a string and replace with ascii equivalent
public static String convertNonAscii(String s) {
if (s == null) return null;
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
int n = s.length();
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
char c = s.charAt(i);
int pos = UNICODE.indexOf(c);
if (pos > -1){
else {
return sb.toString();
public static void main(String args[]) {
String s =
"The result : È,É,Ê,Ë,Û,Ù,Ï,Î,À,Â,Ô,è,é,ê,ë,û,ù,ï,î,à,â,ô,ç";
// output :
// The result : E,E,E,E,U,U,I,I,A,A,O,e,e,e,e,u,u,i,i,a,a,o,c
The JDK 1.6 provides the java.text.Normalizer class that can be used for this task.
– Threewheeler