My recommendation
Work dist:
- Have a receiver of requests, that places messages in a message queue, like rabbit mq
- Have a host of workers, listening to the same queue, taking work from it and acking it when done.
- When done, send a message on another queue, containing an URI to a known location, such as your network drive. The target is your parsed data.
- The receiver listens to these "completed" messages. Fetches the data from the URI.
RabbitMQ comes with great CLR APIs.
The same reasoning works well with Microsoft Azure and their AbbFabric Queue. A plus is that is scales extremely well.
Hot Versioning
It gives a folder where you can drop binaries, which are then run. It manages versioning of these as well as running them as windows services.
You can deploy the binaries with robocopy/xcopy and "net use Q: pwd \server\share", "net delete Q:"
Continuous Integration
After working with MsBuild extensively, I would recommend scripting it with psake and running the build with PowerShell. If you get advanced with PowerShell you also have WinRM available to you from your build scripts, which is really smooth.
Use the git/subversion commit number as the 0.0.0.x, x in the previous version number, and you will have automatic versioning that is "shared" across "Debug"/"Production" builds.
The Azure way
Work dist:
Same as above but with AppFabric Queue instead of RabbitMQ.
Hot Versioning
By swapping "Staging" and "Production" instances around, you avoid the downtime.
You can either tap into the Azure Tools for Visual Studio's MsBuild tasks as can be read about here or you could use the PowerShell AzureSnapIns with a similar setup as above for Continuous Integration.
Continuous Integration
Same as above.