With some difficulty, I was able to uninstall Incredibuild (kept saying Visual Studio was open even when it wasn't), but it was unable to uninstall the Visual Studio addin (just said an error occurred when doing so in the log). The addin doesn't show up in Visual Studio's extensions dialog, and I don't know how else to uninstall it. I think it might be slowing VS down, and it never worked to begin with (kept asking for a license key and I was unable to find a key for the free edition I installed)...
I had a similar issue (though I am in VS17 and not VS15).
- (While in VS) Select Tools Menu
- Select Extensions and Updates...
- Find the Incredibuild add-in under "Installed" then click Revert
- Close VS and wait for change to take affect then reopen VS
- Find the Incredibuild add-in again just as before.
- This time click Uninstall that is now visible
- This should bring up the VS Installer where you need to close VS leaving VS Installer open
- Click Modify in the bottom right for Incredibuild to finally be removed.
I honestly don't understand why it isn't removed when you uninstall Incredibuild because one of the processes listed while uninstalling is to remove the VS add-in or why the add-in doesn't initially have the option to uninstall but this is how I managed to finally remove it.
Hopefully this will help anyone. Cheers!
My name is Yoni and I work in IncrediBuild.
As Nathanael mentioned, this is indeed the way to remove IncrediBuild if it was installed from Visual Studio. It can be also done from the "Manage Extension" menu in Visual Studio. We are aware of the great confusion when it comes to removing IncrediBuild (after it was installed from Visual Studio) and this is something that we will try to solve or at least show a warning message that will alert from such scenarios. Thank you all for the feedback - we are taking this very seriously and hopefully that in our future versions it will be solved.
I had a similar issue - I uninstalled Incredibuild successfully but the menu was available in VS2015 and VS2017 [the menu had disappeared other versions of Visual Studio]. Therefore in VS2015 I choose Customize from Add or Remove Buttons drop down. In the popup I select Menu | Menu Bar. Scroll down to Incredibuild. Delete! I repeat this for VS2015. Done
This product was a real hassle to uninstall. The Windows Uninstaller for Incredibuild DOES NOT WORK.
Incredibuild acts as badly as a virus... I've uninstalled serious trojans faster than this intrusive software. Incredibuild always runs two Apache web server processes, even when Visual Studio is not running. On top of the that, Incredibuild launches FOUR Windows Services. I had to disable four Windows Services that Incredibuild installed during Visual Studio 2022 installation.
The uninstaller requires the same version of Visual Studio to be installed. Then start Visual Studio, go to the "Extensions" menu and uninstall it.
The first time I ran the Extension uninstaller process in Visual Studio it failed. After disabling the four (4) background services, I ran the uninstaller in Visual Studio 2022. It still did not uninstall successfully. Finally I resorted to trolling through the Windows Registry to remove this intruder. Good riddance after 2 years.
In Tools, select Customize. Go to Commands, select IncrediBuild in the list. Press on Delete.
In File, press Save All, so that you settings are remembered.
- Make sure Visual Studio is closed.
- Right click on the Agent icon in the Windows System Tray, open the Agent Options, and disable the Agent service.
- Make sure there are no errors or warnings in the fine print after the uninstall.
Your experience may vary because I obtained a license directly from their website, while there is probably another way to obtain it through Visual Studio.
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