I'm quite new to subject of writting stored function for mySQL database, hence i'm not sure if what i'm trying to do here is possible at all.
I need a function that will return a column from random row from a table. I don't want to use ORDER BY RAND() method to do that, rather i would do this like this:
DECLARE rand_offset INT;
DECLARE str_rnd_word VARCHAR(255);
SET rand_offset = FLOOR((RAND() * MAX_COUNT));
SELECT word INTO str_rnd_word FROM all_words LIMIT 1 OFFSET rand_offset ;
RETURN str_rnd_word;
MySQL throws an error upon creating function with body like that. But when I use hard-coded number as OFFSET it works just fine.
Can someone shed some light on the subject please.
I'm running MySQL 5.0.45 on windows box.