What is the basic usage of std::tr1::aligned_storage ? Can it be used as auto memory for a data type Foo like the one below?
struct Foo{...};
,std::tr1::alignment_of<Foo>::value >::type buf;
Foo* f = new (reinterpret_cast<void*>(&buf)) Foo();
If so, what about storing multiple Foo in the buf like,
,std::tr1::alignment_of<Foo>::value >::type buf;
Foo* p = reinterpret_cast<Foo*>(&buf);
for(int i = 0; i!= 5; ++i,++p)
Foo* f = new (p) Foo();
Are they valid programs? Is there any other use case for it ? Google search only yields the documentation about aligned_storage, but very little about the usage of it.