Background: writing an automated release script to export changed files between versions from SVN and upload to remote server.
The svn log command shows modified files and properties, but seems to not distinguish its verbose output between a content modification over property modifications.
Am I reading this output wrong, or is there an easy way to get a list of changed files between revisions whilst ignoring prop changes
Here's my sample cmd:
#: svn log "someurl" -r 2210:HEAD -v -q
r2211 | author | 2010-02-08 12:36:56 +1300 (Mon, 08 Feb 2010)
Changed paths:
M /branches/project/release-v1-r-maintenance
M /branches/project/release-v1-r-maintenance/offroot/
M /branches/project/release-v1-r-maintenance/offroot/test.config
The top two are only prop changes (mergeinfo, ignores, etc), whereas the 3rd item is an actual content edit and this is the real item that I want to grab to avoid exporting whole root all over.
Is there anyway to get/filter out just the content changes from the svn log or other command.
echo $?
gives 0. – Deciare