After installing vim-ruby-debugger that plugin "hijacks" several mappings. Like <leader>n
, or <leader>t
which I use for respectively NERDTreeToggle and Command-T find.
The culprit is found at the hardcoded mappings in this ruby-debugger.
I'd prefer to have these remapped as <leader>rdX
, i.e.: prefixed with *r*uby-*d*ebugger. Obviously, I could simply hack the plugin and change the mappings there. But that seems a bit too hackish (and will probably break on updates).
How can I unmap these mappings, so vim will fallback to my own mappings again? And so that I can remap the commands in my .vimrc (where it should be, IMHO).
git pull
won’t allow your changes to go away doing the merge instead. – Impearlnoremap <leader>b …
toexecute 'nnoremap' get(g:, 'ruby_debugger_map_toggle_breakpoint', '<leader>b') '…'
) and then do a pull request. With the suggested change mappings will be customized usingg:ruby_debugger_map_toggle_breakpoint
variable. – Impearl~/.vim/after/plugin/mappings.vim
, the first suggested solution or using some sort of mymap.maparg
in the same~/.vim/after/plugin/mappings.vim
directory to save and
to map them again, but to<leader>rd*
, with normalnoremap
command for your NerdTree plugins). I believe you are not the only person needing ability to customize mappings. – Impearllet g:ruby_debugger_no_maps=1
in your.vimrc
file. – Overbuild