I'm new to Kafka 0.9 and testing some features I realized a strange behaviour in the Java implemented Consumer (KafkaConsumer
The Kafka broker is located in an Ambari external machine.
Even thou I could implement a Producer and start sending messages to the external broker, I have no clue why, when the consumer tries to read the events (poll), it gets stuck.
I know the producer is working well, since I do can consume messages through the console consumer (which is working locally on ambari). But when I execute the Java Consumer, nothing happens, just gets stuck. Debugging the code I could see that it gets blocked at the poll()
ConsumerRecords<String, String> records = consumer.poll(100);
The timeout does nothing, by the way. Doesn't matter if you put 0, 100 or 1000 ms, the consumer gets blocked in this line and does not timeout nor throw exceptions.
I tried all kind of alternative properties, such as advertised.host.name, advertised.listener,... and so on, with zero luck.
Any help would be highly appreciated. Thanks in advance!
? – Tonguetied