I am trying to bind the src
attribute of an img
tag in an aurelia component, how can I do so?
I'm creating some images in a reapeat.for
loop this way:
<img repeat.for="picture of infoboard.memberPictures" src.bind="picture">
In which, the memberPictures
array comes from the view model, and the value of picture
is a relative address: ../../../assets/pictures/img_avatar.png
In the view model, I fetch members' info from the database and by processing the data, populate the memberPictures
array this way:
.then(response => response.json())
.then(data => {
this.infoboard.memberPictures = data.result.map(element => `../../../assets/pictures/${element.profile_pic}.png`);
Binding the address this way, the images do not load, like this:
and also the browser console shows the following error:
img_avatar.png:1 GET http://localhost:8080/assets/pictures/img_avatar.png 404 (Not Found)
when inspecting the elements, the picture tag for member avatar is this:
<img src.bind="picture" class="au-target" au-target-id="10" src="../../../assets/pictures/img_avatar.png">
But if we provide the image source with a static image with the exact same address generated in the above example as shown below:
<img repeat.for="picture of infoboard.memberPictures" src.bind="../../../assets/pictures/img_avatar.png">
there will be no problem:
and now by inspecting elements there is different result:
<img src="/a5e81f19cf2c587876fd1bb08ae0249f.png">
Apparently, there is a difference in handling static files in aurelia. How is the image source changed this way, and what is the correct way of binding the image source?