How to set the rate limiter per second in Laravel 8. I need to set the rate limiter per second instead of per minute.
Rate Limiter (Laravel 8) -
Right now I'm able to use Laravel's rate limiter for minutes, hours, etc. But I'm trying to achieve a rate limiter for a second. I want to limit 25 requests per sec. (Exported Limit class from "Illuminate\Cache\RateLimiting\Limit")
Please check the following code which I have used
RateLimiter::for('api', function (Request $request) {
return [
// Rate limiter based on Client IP Address
Limit::perMinute(env('IP_ADDR_RATE_LIMITER_PER_MINUTE', 60))->by($request->ip())->response(function () {
// Rate limiter based on API key/User
Limit::perMinute(env('API_KEY_RATE_LIMITER_PER_MINUTE', 60))->by($request->input('key'))->response(function () {
Is there any way to rate-limit 25 requests per second?
Note: also tried adding/changing functions in Illuminate\Cache\RateLimiting\Limit, where I tried altering the per minute function. Thanks in Advance.