I'm trying to write a parser for FBX files to my custom model format that can be used in my game engine but I'm currently stuck on extracting the matrices needed for each bone. I think I might be lost in the theory of skinning as well...
I've managed to extract the bone hierarchy of a mesh and attach the weights and indexes of deformation-clusters to my vertices. Now I need to extract the (two?) matrices I need to do skinning in my engine.
Basically, in my format I would like it too look something like this:
Now, to the matrices... Am I right to assume that at least one of them should be the "Bind pose-matrix", ie the default position of my skeleton? How do I extract this from FBX? Is this matrix uniform for the entire mesh?
As for the second one, I don't really know, I've tried looking at the ViewScene and ImportScene examples but I don't get it. I read something about "Local space matrix", I'm guessing this is the individual position, rotation and scale of each bone?
Any help or suggestions is appreciated, I'm at a loss right now, probably from staring myself blind at this. Almost at the point of abandoning FBX in favor of COLLADA.
Edit1: The engine doesn't have drawing capabilites yet as I wanted to get this done before moving on. I found an example that I think I understand, perhaps someone here can confirm if it's correct or not.
//This lFbxLinkMatrix is the skeleton's transform when the binding happened.
//It is the same as the matrix in bindpose if the bindpose is complete.
// Multiply lClusterGlobalInitPosition by Geometric Transformation
FbxAMatrix clusterGlobalInitPosition;
FbxAMatrix clusterGeometry = GetGeometry(cluster->GetLink());
clusterGlobalInitPosition *= clusterGeometry;
skeleton->at(boneListPosition).bindMatrix = clusterGlobalInitPosition;
// Compute the shift of the link relative to the reference.
//lVertexTransformMatrix = RGCP.Inverse() * CGCP * CGIP.Inverse() * RGIP * RG;
// CGCP = position of bone
// RGCP = mesh position
FbxAMatrix offsetMatrix;
FbxNode* boneNode = cluster->GetLink();
FbxAMatrix CGIP, RGIP, vertexTransformMatrix;
vertexTransformMatrix = CGIP.Inverse() * RGIP;
skeleton->at(boneListPosition).localBoneMatrix = vertexTransformMatrix;
So basically, when I want to calculate my animation, I get the inverse of mesh's world matrix, multiply it with the matrix representing my animation frame, multiplied with the inverse of my bind matrix, that bone's parent bind matrix and the final parent transform matrix?