As the title says my inline require calls are working in a non-optimized requirejs run but not working when built with grunt and almondjs.
Uncaught Error: undefined missing views/some/view
The top of any file might be:
['jquery', 'app'],
function($, App) {
and later on based on business logic I want to be able to require another file
require(['views/some/view'], function(SomeView){
I tried the alternative syntax as well:
var SomeView= require('views/some/view');
And this all works using an unbuilt requirejs version. But again it fails when I build it with grunt and almond
requirejs: {
compile: {
options: {
name: "../components/almond/almond",
baseUrl: "src",
mainConfigFile: "./require.config.js",
include: ['main'],
insertRequire: ['main'], // Add a require step in at the end for the main module.
wrap: true, // Wrap everything up in a closure
generateSourceMaps: true, // Experimental
preserveLicenseComments: false, // Needs turned off for generateSourceMaps
optimize: "uglify2", // Supports generateSourceMaps
out: "assets/javascripts/build.js"
I can get it working fine in almond if I put it up at the top of the file in a define call, but isn't it preferable in AMD to keep it lean?