I have a problem that when I my application goes in background the GCKSocket of chromecast iOS api closes and I get this typr of error from api
-[GCKCastSocket socketDidDisconnect:withError:] socketDidDisconnect:withError: "(null)"
and then if I bring the application to foreground the api creates the socket automatically and set the playback state to paused. If I now try to play the video again it plays normally.
I am starting the playback of the media on the background thread like this.
0), ^ {
[[CastViewController instance] castMedia:self.media];
How to keep playback alive even when the application goes to background?
here is the logging from api
2014-02-25 17:19:01.388 CastVideos[28470:60b] -[GCKCastSocket disconnect] disconnect
2014-02-25 17:19:01.391 CastVideos[28470:60b] -[GCKCastSocket doTeardownWithError:] doTeardownWithError
2014-02-25 17:19:01.395 CastVideos[28470:60b] -[GCKCastSocket doTeardownWithError:] notifying delegate that socket is disconnected
2014-02-25 17:19:01.399 CastVideos[28470:60b] -[GCKHeartbeatChannel didDisconnect] disconnected - stopping heartbeat timer if necessary
2014-02-25 17:19:01.457 CastVideos[28470:60b] -[GCKCastSocket socketDidDisconnect:withError:] socketDidDisconnect:withError: "(null)"