I want to transfer a file from a form to a webworker. In chrome i simple can use this code to transfer a FileList-Object:
worker.postMessage(files: array_files);
But with Firefox i get this error:
Transfer file to webworker: DataCloneError: The object could not be cloned.
So i tried to use the Syntax for transferable objects. Something like this?
var post = {files: array_files, file_ids: response.file_ids};
worker.postMessage(post, [post]);
But with that i get this in Chrome
Uncaught DataCloneError: Failed to execute 'postMessage' on 'Worker': Value at index 0 does not have a transferable type.
And still
DataCloneError: The object could not be cloned.
in Firefox.
What is the right way to pass a FileList to a worker?
The object could not be cloned.
That was because I was just refering to the param in my message. Can you provide more code? – Blistery