OAuth would be overkill in your current scenario (potentially insecure), in that it's designed to authorize a third party service to have access to resources on behave of the user.
Securing AJAX request via an authorized user
AFAICT, you are in control of the client, resources and authentication; so you only need to secure access to the URL's and possibly the communication between client and server via SSL [2].
So, use Tipfy's auth extension to secure your URLs:
from tipfy import RequestHandler, Response
from tipfy.ext.auth import AppEngineAuthMixin, user_required
class MyHandler(RequestHandler, AppEngineAuthMixin):
def get(self, **kwargs):
return Response('Only logged in users can see this page.')
Securing AJAX request without an authorized user
If a user is unknown, then one could apply CSRF preventions to help protect the REST service from being called from an "unauthorized" client. Tipfy has this built-in to it's WTForms extension, but it's not AJAX. Instead, the session extension could be used to apply an "authenticity_token" to all calls, that needs to be verified on the server.