Say that I'm building up an expression with R's backquote operator bquote
, and I'd like to "splice" in a list at a specific position (that is, lose the outer parenthesis of the list).
For example, I have the expression "5+4", and I'd like to prepend a "6-" to the beginning of it, without using string operations (that is, while operating entirely on the symbol structures).
> b = quote(5+4)
> b
5 + 4
> c = bquote(6-.(b))
> c
6 - (5 + 4)
> eval(c)
[1] -3
I would like that to return the evaluation of "6-5+4", so 5.
In common lisp, the backquote "`" operator comes with a splice operator ",@", to do exactly this:
(setf b `(5 + 4))
(5 + 4)
(setf c `(6 - ,@b))
(6 - 5 + 4)
(setf c-non-spliced `(6 - ,b))
(6 - (5 + 4))
I tried using .@(b) in R, but that didn't work. Any other ideas? And to restate, I do not want to resort to string manipulation.