future Questions



Given this code val f1: Future[Int] = Future { 5 } //Future.failed(new Exception("sorry")) val f2: Future[Int] = Future { 6 } val result : Future[Int] = f1.fallbackTo { println("Fall back to tha...
Languishment asked 20/9, 2014 at 8:43


I am attempting to make a future that continuously finds new work to do and then maintains a set of futures for those work items. I would like to make sure neither my main future that finds work to...
Ransom asked 18/10, 2019 at 18:14



I might have the wrong idea of Isolate and Future. Please help me to clear it up. Here is my understanding of both subjects. Isolate: Isolates run code in its own event loop, and each event may ru...
Jonahjonas asked 25/9, 2018 at 12:57



I am used to Scala's Future type where you wrap whatever object you're returning in Future[..] to designate it as such. My Rust function hello returns Query and I don't seem able to pass that resul...
Acme asked 31/8, 2021 at 18:28



The concurrent.futures.Executor.map takes a variable number of iterables from which the function given is called. How should I call it if I have a generator that produces tuples that are normally u...
Paisano asked 22/7, 2011 at 3:4



I'm trying to build my first mobile application with flutter and firebase. When I try to display and store a photo I have the following issue : error: The argument type 'Future' can't be assign...
Hylton asked 16/4, 2018 at 9:34



is it possible to create your own futures in Dart to return from your methods, or must you always return a built in future return from one of the dart async libraries methods? I want to define a f...
Gemma asked 24/8, 2013 at 22:17



Future.apply starts an asynchronous computation whereas Future.successful creates an already completed Future with the specified result. Now is Future(None) (Future.apply(None)) less efficient tha...
Doris asked 30/1, 2014 at 20:18


Signaling between threads can be achieved with std::promise/std::future or with good old condition variables. Can someone provide examples/use case where one would be a better choice over the other...
Quasijudicial asked 20/10, 2017 at 18:42



I have a Try that throws Exception. I want that Try to become a Future so I will be able to recoverWith. How can I convert the Try into a Future without handling any exceptions in the Try (just in ...
Garrard asked 19/9, 2016 at 20:53



I am using a plugin for flutter called search_widget. The data parameter of this widget takes a list. But as I use sqlite for fetching data, I have it in Future<List> form. Is there any way I...
Lavalley asked 26/12, 2019 at 13:18


I have a problem with C++ 11 future/promise. The following code works fine: string s = "not written"; void write(promise<void>&& writePromise) { cout << "\nwrit...
Strop asked 6/7, 2020 at 19:21


How do you memoize your futures? I am using a FutureBuilder that gets items data by some params. I found here a suggestion to use AsyncMemoizer, however it looks like it's missing from the dart:a...
Eslinger asked 18/4, 2020 at 22:16


Say I have the following code: def func(a,b): return (func2(a),func3(3)) def paralel_func(alist,blist) with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=None) as executor: executor.map(func,alist,blist) H...
Omdurman asked 6/4, 2018 at 9:59


The following way of iterating a list of future always wait for the first job to be done: for (Future<MyFutureResult> future : list) { List<MyFutureResult> result = future.get(); } Is...
Saltatorial asked 22/10, 2019 at 18:56



Background: I have a function: def doWork(symbol: String): Future[Unit] which initiates some side-effects to fetch data and store it, and completes a Future when its done. However, the back-end...
Peggypegma asked 23/11, 2014 at 2:50


Having this simple code: import asyncio async def main(): f = asyncio.Future() await f asyncio.run(main()) A coroutine(here main) can await on Future object. It's basically blocked until f eit...
Avery asked 24/7, 2022 at 6:25



The tokio tutorial for select! states: The thing to note is that, to .await a reference, the value being referenced must be pinned or implement Unpin. Indeed, the following code fails to compile:...
Missie asked 30/7, 2022 at 11:29



Java 8 introduces CompletableFuture, a new implementation of Future that is composable (includes a bunch of thenXxx methods). I'd like to use this exclusively, but many of the libraries I want to u...
Tanked asked 25/4, 2014 at 19:38


I want to do something after a lot of future functions are done, but I do not know how to write the code in dart? the code is like this: for (var d in data) { d.loadData().then() } // when all loa...
Sitwell asked 11/2, 2017 at 12:54



In my flutter app, I have a future that handles http requests and returns the decoded data. But I want to be able to send an error if the status code != 200 that can be gotten with the .catchError(...
Stanfield asked 1/2, 2019 at 7:19



What I wanted to achieve, was to retrieve a document from firestore, and provide it down the widget tree, and be able to make changes on the data of the document itself. show something like "...



Since Python 3.5, the keywords await and async are introduced to the language. Now, I'm more of a Python 2.7 person and I have been avoiding Python 3 for quite some time so asyncio is pretty new to...
Pavilion asked 26/11, 2017 at 5:31



I have some troubles in understanding how future builder works in flutter. I want to pass a list of String from my future call and I want to display them in a SingleChildScrollView. The problem is ...
Magnify asked 22/2, 2022 at 8:40


The service I'm working on uses a Future to run multiple tasks in parallel; each task can take up to a minute to complete. However, it seems the external lib is buggy, since in some occasions (2% o...
Alkalosis asked 12/3, 2022 at 16:43

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