Your schema refers to the type SOAP-ENC:Array
defined in the schema xmlns:SOAP-ENC="
but that schema is not included in the wsdl.
I had a similar problem and had to use a catalog to tell jaxb/xjc where to find the schema.
Go to and save as soapenc.xsd
Then create a plain text file with following content
PUBLIC "" "soapenc.xsd"
Then pass that file to xjc as the catalog file
Update: If you are on maven, this is how it would all hang together.
place the schema, soapenc.xsd, and plain text file) in src/main/resources
Then tell the jaxb plugin to pass the catalog to xjc
Client client = factory.createClient(wsdlURL.toExternalForm(), SERVICE_NAME, Collections.singletonList(""));
– Saum