I'm running into a small problem at the end of the Getting Started guide for vagrant
. I'm working on a CentOS basebox that has Apache2 running (provisioning via Puppet). I've set up port forwarding for web requests using the following line in Vagrantfile
config.vm.forward_port "web", 80, 4567
But when I make requests to that port, they fail. The error reported by Safari is 'Safari can’t open the page “http://localhost:4567/” because the server unexpectedly dropped the connection.'
I did a vagrant reload
and saw "[default] -- web: 80 => 4567 (adapter 1)" in the scroll, so where should I begin to troubleshoot this? Thanks.
curl -v 'http://localhost:4567/'
say? Sometimes Safari is a bit too nice at hiding error messages. – Krauscurl 'http://localhost:80'
from the VM itself work? If not, the problem isn't the port forwarding. – Krauscurl
from within the VM is working.curl
from the host gives me(52) Empty reply from server
. – Vitriform