Dijkstra and BFS, both are the same algorithm. As said by others members, Dijkstra using priority_queue whereas BFS using a queue. The difference is because of the way the shortest path is calculated in both algorithms.
In BFS Algorithm, for finding the shortest path we traverse in all directions and update the distance array respectively. Basically, the pseudo-code will be as follow:
distance[src] = 0;
while(queue not empty) {
pop the node at front (say u)
for all its adjacent (say v)
if dist[u] + weight < dist[v]
update distance of v
push v into queue
The above code will also give the shortest path in a weighted graph. But the time complexity is not equal to normal BFS i.e. O(E+V). Time complexity is more than O(E+V) because many of the edges are repeated twice.
Consider, the above graph. Dry run it for the above pseudo-code you will find that node 2 and node 3 are pushed two times into the queue and further the distance for all future nodes is updated twice.
So, assume if there is lot more nodes after 3 then the distance calculated by the first insertion of 2 will be used for all future nodes then those distance will be again updated using the second push of node 2. Same scenario with 3.
So, you can see that nodes are repeated. Hence, all nodes and edges are not traversed only once.
Dijkstra Algorithm does a smart work here...rather than traversing in all the directions it only traverses in the direction with the shortest distance, so that repetition of updation of distance is prevented.
So, to trace the shortest distance we have to use priority_queue in place of the normal queue.
If you try to dry run the above graph again using the Dijkstra algorithm you will find that nodes are push twice but only that node is considered which has a shorter distance.
So, all nodes are traversed only once but time complexity is more than normal BFS because of the use of priority_queue.