I'm trying to move a Next.js app with Auth0 authentication to the new app router. I understand the limitations of server components not being able to write cookies, but I'm getting a message that is confusing.
My understanding is that if I need to get user info on a server component, I need to use the 'getSession'
function from '@auth0/nextjs-auth0'
, which is not available for client components.
However, every time I call it, the server console logs the following message (not labeled as an error or warning): "nextjs-auth0 is attempting to set cookies from a server component"
I am not trying to set any cookies, only get the user information. Can anyone help me understand why this call to 'getSession'
makes the component set cookies? Also, is it safe to ignore this message if I'm not really trying to set cookies?
Thanks in advance.
Added code: the complete solution is somewhat complex but this code illustrates my question. This is a simple SSR component that gets the user name from the server session (as specified in Auth0's format):
import { getSession } from '@auth0/nextjs-auth0';
export default async function Profile() {
const session = await getSession();
return (
HELLO {session?.user?.name}
In the above code, every time getSession
is called the server console emits the message "nextjs-auth0 is attempting to set cookies from a server component"
I'm not explicitly trying to set cookies, just get the user's information. I would like to understand why this happens and what are the effects of ignoring the message.
Again, thanks in advance for any help.