On Linux I use
(gdb) i shared
in gdb and gdb prints a list of libraries either with a star *
if no debug symbols are loaded or without it if loaded, e.g:
0x0000000100c18660 0x0000000100c489a0 Yes (*) /Users/anon/work/software/webrtc-audio-processing-0.1/build_darwin/../bin/darwin/lib/libwebrtc_audio_processing.0.dylib
0x0000000100c57ca0 0x0000000100c76978 Yes /Users/anon/work/software/speex/speex/speex-1.2rc2/build_darwin/../bin/darwin/lib/libspeex.1.dylib
I found that in LLDB I should use
(lldb) image list
to do the same. But I get a list of libraries which says nothing to me on whether debug symbols are loaded for the lib or not, e.g:
[181] 19269C1D-EB29-384A-83F3-7DDDEB7D9DAD 0x00007fff8d2d3000 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CoreWiFi.framework/Versions/A/CoreWiFi
[182] 8D7BA9BA-EB36-307A-9119-0B3D9732C953 0x00007fff879ee000 /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreBluetooth.framework/Versions/A/CoreBluetooth
[183] 6F03761D-7C3A-3C80-8031-AA1C1AD7C706 0x00007fff92e52000 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/DebugSymbols.framework/Versions/A/DebugSymbols
So how do I check if debug symbols are loaded by LLDB?
UPDATE: I just decided to post output of (lldb) image lookup -vn <function>
(thanks Jim) for others to know what it looks like:
image lookup -vn Herqq::Upnp::HSsdp::init
2 matches found in libHUpnp.2.dylib:
Address: libHUpnp.2.dylib[0x00000000000283f0] (libHUpnp.2.dylib.__TEXT.__text + 150384)
Summary: libHUpnp.2.dylib`Herqq::Upnp::HSsdp::init() at hssdp.cpp:804
Module: file = "libHUpnp.2.dylib", arch = "x86_64"
CompileUnit: id = {0x00000000}, file = "/Users/blade/work/software/HUPnP/build-herqq-Desktop_Qt_5_5_0_clang_64bit-Debug/hupnp/../../herqq/hupnp/src/ssdp/hssdp.cpp", language = "c89"
Function: id = {0xa0002401f}, name = "init", range = [0x00000000000283f0-0x0000000000028511)
FuncType: id = {0xa0002401f}, decl = hssdp.h:304, clang_type = "_Bool (void)"
Blocks: id = {0xa0002401f}, range = [0x000283f0-0x00028511)
LineEntry: [0x00000000000283f0-0x00000000000283ff): /Users/blade/work/software/HUPnP/build-herqq-Desktop_Qt_5_5_0_clang_64bit-Debug/hupnp/../../herqq/hupnp/src/ssdp/hssdp.cpp:804
Symbol: id = {0x00000c9b}, range = [0x00000000000283f0-0x0000000000028520), name="Herqq::Upnp::HSsdp::init()", mangled="_ZN5Herqq4Upnp5HSsdp4initEv"
Variable: id = {0xa0002403a}, name = "this", type= "Herqq::Upnp::HSsdp *", location = DW_OP_fbreg(-16), decl =
Variable: id = {0xa00024047}, name = "herqqLog__", type= "HLogger", location = DW_OP_fbreg(-32), decl = hssdp.cpp:805
Variable: id = {0xa00024056}, name = "ha", type= "QHostAddress", location = DW_OP_fbreg(-56), decl = hssdp.cpp:812
Address: libHUpnp.2.dylib[0x0000000000028550] (libHUpnp.2.dylib.__TEXT.__text + 150736)
Summary: libHUpnp.2.dylib`Herqq::Upnp::HSsdp::init(QHostAddress const&) at hssdp.cpp:817
Module: file = "libHUpnp.2.dylib", arch = "x86_64"
CompileUnit: id = {0x00000000}, file = "/Users/blade/work/software/HUPnP/build-herqq-Desktop_Qt_5_5_0_clang_64bit-Debug/hupnp/../../herqq/hupnp/src/ssdp/hssdp.cpp", language = "ISO C++:1998"
Function: id = {0xa0002408f}, name = "init", range = [0x0000000000028550-0x000000000002862d)
FuncType: id = {0xa0002408f}, decl = hssdp.h:321, clang_type = "_Bool (const class QHostAddress &)"
Blocks: id = {0xa0002408f}, range = [0x00028550-0x0002862d)
LineEntry: [0x0000000000028550-0x0000000000028564): /Users/blade/work/software/HUPnP/build-herqq-Desktop_Qt_5_5_0_clang_64bit-Debug/hupnp/../../herqq/hupnp/src/ssdp/hssdp.cpp:817
Symbol: id = {0x00000ca3}, range = [0x0000000000028550-0x0000000000028630), name="Herqq::Upnp::HSsdp::init(QHostAddress const&)", mangled="_ZN5Herqq4Upnp5HSsdp4initERK12QHostAddress"
Variable: id = {0xa000240aa}, name = "this", type= "Herqq::Upnp::HSsdp *", location = DW_OP_fbreg(-16), decl =
Variable: id = {0xa000240b7}, name = "unicastAddress", type= "const QHostAddress &", location = DW_OP_fbreg(-24), decl = hssdp.cpp:816
Variable: id = {0xa000240c6}, name = "herqqLog__", type= "HLogger", location = DW_OP_fbreg(-40), decl = hssdp.cpp:818