I'm trying to persist the same entity to both MySQL and Postgres databases (this is primarily to identify any inconsistencies, and work out the details of any issues doing the dual-write -- which I've run into here). The articles I've found have all described solutions that depend on additional frameworks. I'm trying to solve this using Glassfish 4.0 out-of-the-box, JPA 2.1 with EclipseLink 2.5 as the JPA provider. I'm using Eclipse, and realize that the IDE doesn't support configuring multiple persistence units in the persistence.xml file, so I'm writing the XML for that directly.
I was expecting to do something like this in the code (in the same method):
@PersistenceContext(name = "MyAppMySQLPU")
EntityManager emMySQL;
@PersistenceContext(name = "MyAppPostgresPU")
EntityManager emPostgres;
MyThing thing = new MyThing();
and use a persistence.xml
file containing this:
<persistence-unit name="MyAppPostgresPU">
<persistence-unit name="MyAppMySQLPU">
When I do this, I get the following error:
SEVERE: Exception while invoking class org.glassfish.persistence.jpa.JPADeployer prepare method
SEVERE: Exception while preparing the app
SEVERE: Exception while preparing the app : Could not resolve a persistence unit corresponding to the persistence-context-ref-name [MyAppPostgresPU] in the scope of the module called [MyApp]. Please verify your application.
But, If I include only one of the <persistence-unit>
phrases (doesn't matter which one), the entity is persisted to the associated database -- I just can't figure out how to get it to work with both at the same time (without leveraging persistence functionality in additional frameworks).