I'm trying to push to the Google container registry from my Jenkins. The builds run inside the Kubernetes Jenkins Plugin, which uses the gcr.io/cloud-solutions-images/jenkins-k8s-slave to build the docker image into the Kubernetes native Docker.
After authenticating to the Google container registry I'm trying to push the newly built image. This is my pipeline script:
def imageTag = 'gcr.io/project-id/tag'
def version = version from pom
sh './mvnw package'
sh "docker build -t $imageTag:$version ."
sh('gcloud auth activate-service-account --key-file=$FILE')
sh('docker login -p $(gcloud auth print-access-token) -u _token https://gcr.io')
sh("gcloud docker -- push $imageTag:$version")
The push fails with the following output:
c6ff94654483: Preparing
209db64c273a: Preparing
762429e05518: Preparing
2be465c0fdf6: Preparing
5bef08742407: Preparing
c6ff94654483: Retrying in 5 seconds
5bef08742407: Retrying in 5 seconds
209db64c273a: Retrying in 5 seconds
2be465c0fdf6: Layer already exists
762429e05518: Layer already exists
c6ff94654483: Retrying in 4 seconds
5bef08742407: Retrying in 4 seconds
209db64c273a: Retrying in 4 seconds
c6ff94654483: Retrying in 3 seconds
5bef08742407: Retrying in 3 seconds
209db64c273a: Retrying in 3 seconds
c6ff94654483: Retrying in 2 seconds
5bef08742407: Retrying in 2 seconds
209db64c273a: Retrying in 2 seconds
c6ff94654483: Retrying in 1 second
5bef08742407: Retrying in 1 second
209db64c273a: Retrying in 1 second
5bef08742407: Retrying in 10 seconds
unexpected EOF
as the username? The advanced authentication page seems to say to useoauth2accesstoken
? cloud.google.com/container-registry/docs/… – Pandiculation