When you have only 1 Event, or multiple Events that happen simultaneously, or multiple Events of the same type, it's easy to just union
or otherwise combine them into a resulting Event, then pass to reactimate
and immediately output it. But what if you have 2 Events of 2 different types happening at different times? Then combining them into a resulting Event that you can pass to reactimate
becomes an unnecessary complication.
I recommend you to actually try and implement the synthesizer from FRP explanation using reactive-banana with only Events and no Behaviors, you'll quickly see that Behaviors simplify the unnecessary Event manipulations.
Say we have 2 Events, outputting Octave (type synonym for Int) and Pitch (type synonym to Char). User presses keys from a to g to set current pitch, or presses + or - to increment or decrement current octave. The program should output current pitch and current octave, like a0
, b2
, or f7
. Let's say the user pressed these keys in various combinations during different times, so we ended up with 2 event streams (Events) like that:
+ - + -- octave stream (time goes from left to right)
b c -- pitch stream
Every time user presses a key, we output current octave and pitch. But what should be the result event? Suppose default pitch is a
and default octave is 0
. We should end up with an event stream that looks like this:
a1 b1 b0 c0 c1 -- a1 corresponds to + event, b1 to b, b0 to -, etc
Simple character input/output
Let's try to implement the synthesizer from scratch and see if we can do it without Behaviors. Let's first write a program, where you put a character, press Enter, the program outputs it, and asks for a character again:
import System.IO
import Control.Monad (forever)
main :: IO ()
main = do
-- Terminal config to make output cleaner
hSetEcho stdin False
hSetBuffering stdin NoBuffering
-- Event loop
forever (getChar >>= putChar)
Simple event-network
Let's do the above but with an event-network, to illustrate them.
import Control.Monad (forever)
import System.IO (BufferMode(..), hSetEcho, hSetBuffering, stdin)
import Control.Event.Handler (newAddHandler)
import Reactive.Banana
import Reactive.Banana.Frameworks
makeNetworkDescription :: Frameworks t => AddHandler Char -> Moment t ()
makeNetworkDescription myAddHandler = do
event <- fromAddHandler myAddHandler
reactimate $ putChar <$> event
main :: IO ()
main = do
-- Terminal config to make output cleaner
hSetEcho stdin False
hSetBuffering stdin NoBuffering
-- Event loop
(myAddHandler, myHandler) <- newAddHandler
network <- compile (makeNetworkDescription myAddHandler)
actuate network
forever (getChar >>= myHandler)
A network is where all your events and behaviors live and interact with each other. They can only do that inside Moment
monadic context. In tutorial Functional Reactive Programming kick-starter guide the analogy for event-network is a human brain. A human brain is where all event streams and behaviors interleave with each other, but the only way to access the brain is through receptors, which act as event source (input).
Now, before we proceed, carefully check out the types of the most important functions of the above snippet:
type Handler a = a -> IO ()
newtype AddHandler a = AddHandler { register :: Handler a -> IO (IO ()) }
newAddHandler :: IO (AddHandler a, Handler a)
fromAddHandler :: Frameworks t => AddHandler a -> Moment t (Event t a)
reactimate :: Frameworks t => Event t (IO ()) -> Moment t ()
compile :: (forall t. Frameworks t => Moment t ()) -> IO EventNetwork
actuate :: EventNetwork -> IO ()
Because we use the simplest UI possible — character input/output, we are going to use module Control.Event.Handler
, provided by Reactive-banana. Usually the GUI library does this dirty job for us.
A function of type Handler
is just an IO action, similar to other IO actions such as getChar
or putStrLn
(e.g. the latter has type String -> IO ()
). A function of type Handler
takes a value and performs some IO computation with it. Thus it can only be used inside an IO context (e.g. in main
From types it's obvious (if you understand basics of monads) that fromAddHandler
and reactimate
can only be used in Moment
context (e.g. makeDescriptionNetwork
), while newAddHandler
, compile
and actuate
can only be used in IO
context (e.g. main
You create a pair of values of types AddHandler
and Handler
using newAddHandler
in main
, you pass this new AddHandler
function to your event-network function, where you can create an event stream out of it using fromAddHandler
. You manipulate this event stream as much as you want, then wrap its events in an IO action, and pass the resulting event stream to reactimate
Filtering events
Now let's only output something, if user presses + or -. Let's output 1 when user presses +, -1 when user presses -. (The rest of the code stays the same).
action :: Char -> Int
action '+' = 1
action '-' = (-1)
action _ = 0
makeNetworkDescription :: Frameworks t => AddHandler Char -> Moment t ()
makeNetworkDescription myAddHandler = do
event <- fromAddHandler myAddHandler
let event' = action <$> filterE (\e -> e=='+' || e=='-') event
reactimate $ putStrLn . show <$> event'
As we don't output if user presses anything beside + or -, the cleaner approach would be:
action :: Char -> Maybe Int
action '+' = Just 1
action '-' = Just (-1)
action _ = Nothing
makeNetworkDescription :: Frameworks t => AddHandler Char -> Moment t ()
makeNetworkDescription myAddHandler = do
event <- fromAddHandler myAddHandler
let event' = filterJust . fmap action $ event
reactimate $ putStrLn . show <$> event'
Important functions for Event manipulations (see Reactive.Banana.Combinators
for more):
fmap :: Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
union :: Event t a -> Event t a -> Event t a
filterE :: (a -> Bool) -> Event t a -> Event t a
accumE :: a -> Event t (a -> a) -> Event t a
filterJust :: Event t (Maybe a) -> Event t a
Accumulating increments and decrements
But we don't want just to output 1 and -1, we want to increment and decrement the value and remember it between key presses! So we need to accumE
. accumE
accepts a value and a stream of functions of type (a -> a)
. Every time a new function appears from this stream, it is applied to the value, and the result is remembered. Next time a new function appears, it is applied to the new value, and so on. This allows us to remember, which number we currently have to decrement or increment.
makeNetworkDescription :: Frameworks t => AddHandler Char -> Moment t ()
makeNetworkDescription myAddHandler = do
event <- fromAddHandler myAddHandler
let event' = filterJust . fmap action $ event
functionStream = (+) <$> event' -- is of type Event t (Int -> Int)
reactimate $ putStrLn . show <$> accumE 0 functionStream
is basically a stream of functions (+1)
, (-1)
, (+1)
, depending on which key the user pressed.
Uniting two event streams
Now we are ready to implement both octaves and pitch from the original article.
type Octave = Int
type Pitch = Char
actionChangeOctave :: Char -> Maybe Int
actionChangeOctave '+' = Just 1
actionChangeOctave '-' = Just (-1)
actionChangeOctave _ = Nothing
actionPitch :: Char -> Maybe Char
actionPitch c
| c >= 'a' && c <= 'g' = Just c
| otherwise = Nothing
makeNetworkDescription :: Frameworks t => AddHandler Char -> Moment t ()
makeNetworkDescription addKeyEvent = do
event <- fromAddHandler addKeyEvent
let eChangeOctave = filterJust . fmap actionChangeOctave $ event
eOctave = accumE 0 ((+) <$> eChangeOctave)
ePitch = filterJust . fmap actionPitch $ event
eResult = (show <$> ePitch) `union` (show <$> eOctave)
reactimate $ putStrLn <$> eResult
Our program will output either current pitch or current octave, depending on what the user pressed. It will also preserve the value of the current octave. But wait! That's not what we want! What if we want to output both current pitch and current octave, every time user presses either a letter or + or -?
And here it becomes super-hard. We can't union 2 event-streams of different types, so we can convert both of them to Event t (Pitch, Octave)
. But if a pitch event and an octave event happen at different time (i.e. they are not simultaneous, which is practically certain in our example), then our temporary event-stream would rather have type Event t (Maybe Pitch, Maybe Octave)
, with Nothing
everywhere you haven't a corresponding event. So if a user presses in sequence + b - c +, and we assume that default octave is 0 and default pitch is a
, then we end up with a sequence of pairs [(Nothing, Just 1), (Just 'b', Nothing), (Nothing, Just 0), (Just 'c', Nothing), (Nothing, Just 1)]
, wrapped in Event
Then we must figure out how to replace Nothing
with what would be the current pitch or octave, so the resulting sequence should be something like [('a', 1), ('b', 1), ('b', 0), ('c', 0), ('c', 1)]
This is too low-level and a true programmer shouldn't worry about aligning events like that, when there is a high-level abstraction available.
Behavior simplifies event manipulation
A few simple modifications, and we achieved the same result.
makeNetworkDescription :: Frameworks t => AddHandler Char -> Moment t ()
makeNetworkDescription addKeyEvent = do
event <- fromAddHandler addKeyEvent
let eChangeOctave = filterJust . fmap actionChangeOctave $ event
bOctave = accumB 0 ((+) <$> eChangeOctave)
ePitch = filterJust . fmap actionPitch $ event
bPitch = stepper 'a' ePitch
bResult = (++) <$> (show <$> bPitch) <*> (show <$> bOctave)
eResult <- changes bResult
reactimate' $ (fmap putStrLn) <$> eResult
Turn pitch Event into Behavior with stepper
and replace accumE
with accumB
to get octave Behavior instead of octave Event. To get the resulting Behavior, use applicative style.
Then, to get the event you must pass to reactimate
, pass the resulting Behavior to changes
. However, changes
returns a complicated monadic value Moment t (Event t (Future a))
, therefore you should use reactimate'
instead of reactimate
. This is also the reason, why you have to lift putStrLn
in the above example twice into eResult
, because you're lifting it to Future
functor inside Event
Check out the types of the functions we used here to understand what goes where:
stepper :: a -> Event t a -> Behavior t a
accumB :: a -> Event t (a -> a) -> Behavior t a
changes :: Frameworks t => Behavior t a -> Moment t (Event t (Future a))
reactimate' :: Frameworks t => Event t (Future (IO ())) -> Moment t ()