I'm trying to validate that the input text I get from a user is a valid Solana address.
According to the web3.js documentation, the method .isOnCurve() does that:
I've managed to make it work with this code:
import {PublicKey} from '@solana/web3.js'
function validateSolAddress(address:string){
try {
let pubkey = new PublicKey(address)
let isSolana = PublicKey.isOnCurve(pubkey.toBuffer())
return isSolana
} catch (error) {
return false
function modalSubmit(modal: any){
const firstResponse = modal.getTextInputValue(walletQuestFields.modal.componentsList[0].id)
let isSolAddress = validateSolAddress(firstResponse)
if (isSolAddress) {
console.log('The address is valid')
console.log('The address is NOT valid')
But when I pass let pubkey = new PublicKey(address)
a string that is not similar to a solana address, it throws the exception Error: Invalid public key input
(PublikKey expects a PublicKeyInitData: number | string | Buffer | Uint8Array | number[] | PublicKeyData
That is why I had to out it into a try-catch block.
Is there any other (better) way to achieve this? It looks ugly...