They are following different formulas (same format but different coefficients) to compute Hamming windows
(25/46) - (21/46) * cos(2 * pi * (0:n)/N)
which can be viewed when typing hamming
> hamming
function (n, method = c("symmetric", "periodic"))
if (!isPosscal(n) || !isWhole(n) || n <= 0)
stop("n must be an integer strictly positive")
method <- match.arg(method)
if (method == "periodic") {
N <- n
else if (method == "symmetric") {
N <- n - 1
else {
stop("method must be either 'periodic' or 'symmetric'")
if (n == 1) {
w <- 1
else {
n <- n - 1
w <- (25/46) - (21/46) * cos(2 * pi * (0:n)/N)
and there are some precision difference for two coefficients
> 25/46
[1] 0.5434783
> 21/46
[1] 0.4565217
Two reasons that make the differences
- in
, if you choose symmetric
by default, you will have N <- n-1
and n <- n-1
, that means the equivalent to Matlab's hamming
should be hamming(76+1)
- the approximations
and 0.46
in Matlab contribute to the deviation from R's version.
Tests with Handmade Implementations
We can implement hamming
functions according to formulas from MATLAB
and R
, respectively, e.g.,
hamMatalb <- function(n) 0.54 - 0.46 * cos(2 * pi * (0:n) / n)
hamR <- function(n) 25 / 46 - 21 / 46 * cos(2 * pi * (0:n) / n)
and then run
> hamMatalb(75) # the same as obtained by hamming(76) in MATLAB
[1] 0.08000000 0.08161328 0.08644182 0.09445175 0.10558687 0.11976909
[7] 0.13689893 0.15685623 0.17950101 0.20467443 0.23219992 0.26188441
[13] 0.29351967 0.32688382 0.36174283 0.39785218 0.43495860 0.47280181
[19] 0.51111636 0.54963351 0.58808309 0.62619540 0.66370312 0.70034314
[25] 0.73585847 0.77000000 0.80252824 0.83321504 0.86184514 0.88821773
[31] 0.91214782 0.93346756 0.95202741 0.96769718 0.98036697 0.98994790
[37] 0.99637276 0.99959650 0.99959650 0.99637276 0.98994790 0.98036697
[43] 0.96769718 0.95202741 0.93346756 0.91214782 0.88821773 0.86184514
[49] 0.83321504 0.80252824 0.77000000 0.73585847 0.70034314 0.66370312
[55] 0.62619540 0.58808309 0.54963351 0.51111636 0.47280181 0.43495860
[61] 0.39785218 0.36174283 0.32688382 0.29351967 0.26188441 0.23219992
[67] 0.20467443 0.17950101 0.15685623 0.13689893 0.11976909 0.10558687
[73] 0.09445175 0.08644182 0.08161328 0.08000000
> hamR(75) # the same as obtained by gsignal::hamming(76) in R
[1] 0.08695652 0.08855761 0.09334964 0.10129899 0.11234992 0.12642490
[7] 0.14342521 0.16323161 0.18570516 0.21068824 0.23800559 0.26746562
[13] 0.29886168 0.33197355 0.36656897 0.40240529 0.43923112 0.47678818
[19] 0.51481302 0.55303893 0.59119778 0.62902190 0.66624601 0.70260898
[25] 0.73785576 0.77173913 0.80402141 0.83447617 0.86288979 0.88906296
[31] 0.91281211 0.93397064 0.95239015 0.96794144 0.98051542 0.99002390
[37] 0.99640019 0.99959955 0.99959955 0.99640019 0.99002390 0.98051542
[43] 0.96794144 0.95239015 0.93397064 0.91281211 0.88906296 0.86288979
[49] 0.83447617 0.80402141 0.77173913 0.73785576 0.70260898 0.66624601
[55] 0.62902190 0.59119778 0.55303893 0.51481302 0.47678818 0.43923112
[61] 0.40240529 0.36656897 0.33197355 0.29886168 0.26746562 0.23800559
[67] 0.21068824 0.18570516 0.16323161 0.14342521 0.12642490 0.11234992
[73] 0.10129899 0.09334964 0.08855761 0.08695652
and we can check the lengths of resulting windows
> length(hamMatalb(75))
[1] 76
> length(hamR(75))
[1] 76
Spectral Performance
Given n <- 75
, we can take a look at the difference in the frequency domain, using freqz
. We can see that the difference mainly lies in the stopband but still quite minor, which doesn't affect the filtering performance too much.
from? It is not a base function. What function are you using in Matlab? Editing your question to explain in more detail what exactly you are doing may get you better, faster help - good luck! – Guckhamming
is to design hamming windows for filters. What do you meanhamming
in R? – Syndactyl