This is an interesting problem! I needed to implement exactly this in C# just recently for my article about grouping (because the type signature of the function is pretty similar to groupBy
, so it can be used in LINQ query as the group by
clause). The C# implementation was quite ugly though.
Anyway, there must be a way to express this function using some simple primitives. It just seems that the F# library doesn't provide any functions that fit for this purpose. I was able to come up with two functions that seem to be generally useful and can be combined together to solve this problem, so here they are:
// Splits a list into two lists using the specified function
// The list is split between two elements for which 'f' returns 'true'
let splitAt f list =
let rec splitAtAux acc list =
match list with
| x::y::ys when f x y -> List.rev (x::acc), y::ys
| x::xs -> splitAtAux (x::acc) xs
| [] -> (List.rev acc), []
splitAtAux [] list
val splitAt : ('a -> 'a -> bool) -> 'a list -> 'a list * 'a list
This is similar to what we want to achieve, but it splits the list only in two pieces (which is a simpler case than splitting the list multiple times). Then we'll need to repeat this operation, which can be done using this function:
// Repeatedly uses 'f' to take several elements of the input list and
// aggregate them into value of type 'b until the remaining list
// (second value returned by 'f') is empty
let foldUntilEmpty f list =
let rec foldUntilEmptyAux acc list =
match f list with
| l, [] -> l::acc |> List.rev
| l, rest -> foldUntilEmptyAux (l::acc) rest
foldUntilEmptyAux [] list
val foldUntilEmpty : ('a list -> 'b * 'a list) -> 'a list -> 'b list
Now we can repeatedly apply splitAt
(with some predicate specified as the first argument) on the input list using foldUntilEmpty
, which gives us the function we wanted:
let splitAtEvery f list = foldUntilEmpty (splitAt f) list
splitAtEvery (<>) [ 1; 1; 1; 2; 2; 3; 3; 3; 3 ];;
val it : int list list = [[1; 1; 1]; [2; 2]; [3; 3; 3; 3]]
I think that the last step is really nice :-). The first two functions are quite straightforward and may be useful for other things, although they are not as general as functions from the F# core library.
pred = true
elements – Pucka