I have a value stored in a variable called myStation. Now I'd like to find that value in an array located in another file called station.js. When I find a match I would like to grab the stationID. The code I'm using let stationNewName = Stations.find((s) => s.stationName === myStation);
is causing the error "Error handled: Stations.find is not a function". What am I missing?
I was hoping to not have to load the overhead of Lodash library, and thought I should be able to accomplish with basic javascript code. Here are excerpts from my code that relate to the error:
Requires the station.js file
const Stations = require("./stations.js");
Here's an excerpt leading up to the code causing the error. The next line is executed in one of my Handlers where myStation is receiving the value "CBS"
const myStation = handlerInput.requestEnvelope.request.intent.slots.stationName.value;
The next line is producing the error: "Error handled: Stations.find is not a function".
let stationNewName = Stations.find((s) => s.stationName === myStation);
This is an excerpt from my array in the stations.js file
{stationName: "CBS", stationID: "8532885"},
{stationName: "NBC", stationID: "8533935"},
{stationName: "ABC", stationID: "8534048"},
Updated Array to include full module
'use strict';
module.exports = {
{stationName: "CBS", stationID: "8532885"},
{stationName: "NBC", stationID: "8533935"},
{stationName: "ABC", stationID: "8534048"},
though? – ZoroastrianismStations
is not what you think it is most likely.console.log(Stations)
– Iridicconsole.log(Stations)
returns the JSON containing the array above. – BeautySTATIONS
if it is in object being returned. – Iridiclet stationNewName = Stations.find((s) => STATIONS[s.stationName === myStation]);
? – BeautyStations.STATIONS
– Iridiclet stationNewName = STATION.Stations.find((s) => s.stationName === myStation);
and now I get an error "Error handled: STATION is not defined". – BeautySTATION.Stations
– Iridicconsole.log(Stations)
statement? – BeautySTATION.Stations
. I try again. – Beauty