I want to build a pub/sub messaging system into my services that are hosted on Amazon Web Services, and creating SQS queues that subscribe to SNS topics seems like the obvious direction to take, but I can't get it working at all.
So far my code looks for the topics and the queues at startup and creates anything that's missing. This seems to work, I can see the SNS topic and the SQS queues in the AWS management console, and I can see that the queue is subscribed to the topic, but when I publish messages to the topic nothing ends up in the queue.
Even if I manually publish a message using the 'Publish' button in the management console the queue is still empty.
I changed the permissions on both the topic and the queue to 'everyone can do everything' just to eliminate this possibility. My code receives a message ID in response to the publish and there are no errors, every API call returns a 200 (OK) status.
Where can I go from here to figure out why it's not working?