At its heart, Delphi is Pascal. The Pascal language was designed by Nicklaus Wirth and published in 1968. My copy of the User Manual and Report is from 1978. It was designed with two purposes in mind, as a teaching language and as one that was easy to implement on any given machine. In this he was spectacularly successful.
Wirth was intimately familiar with other languages of the time (including Fortran, Cobol and particularly Algol) and made a series of careful choices with particular purposes in mind. In particular, he carefully separated the concept of 'actions' from 'values'. The 'actions' in Pascal are the statements in the language, including procedure call. The 'values' include function calls. In this and some other respects the language is quite similar to Algol.
The syntax for declaring and using actions and values are carefully kept quite separate. The language and the libraries provided with it do not in general have 'side effects' as such. Procedures do things and expressions calculate values. For example, 'read' is a procedure, not a function, because it retrieves a value and advances through the file, but 'eof' is a function.
The mass market version of Pascal was created by Borland in the mid 1980s and successively became Turbo Pascal for Windows and then Delphi. The language has changed a lot and not all of it is as pure as Wirth designed it. This is one feature that has survived.
Incidentally, Pascal did not have short-circuit evaluation. It had heap memory and sets, but no objects. They came later.