I am trying to re-index my Elastic search setup, currently looking at the Elastic search documentation and an example using the Python API
I'm a little bit confused as to how this all works though. I was able to obtain the scroll ID from the Python API:
es = Elasticsearch("myhost")
index = "myindex"
query = {"query":{"match_all":{}}}
response = es.search(index= index, doc_type= "my-doc-type", body= query, search_type= "scan", scroll= "10m")
scroll_id = response["_scroll_id"]
Now my question is, what use is this to me? What does knowing the scrolling id even give me? The documentation says to use the "Bulk API" but I have no idea how the scoll_id factors into this, it was a little confusing.
Could anyone give a brief example showing my how to re-index from this point, considering that I've got the scroll_id correctly?