I'm playing around with Elasticsearch and NEST.
I do have some trouble understanding the various classes and interfaces which can be used to create and build static queries.
Here's a simplified example of what I want to achieve:
using Nest;
using System;
using System.Text;
namespace NestTest
public class Product
public string Name { get; set; }
public int Price { get; set; }
public class ProductFilter
public string[] IncludeNames { get; set; }
public string[] ExcludeNames { get; set; }
public int MaxPrice { get; set; }
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var filter = new ProductFilter();
filter.MaxPrice = 100;
filter.IncludeNames = new[] { "Notebook", "Workstation" };
filter.ExcludeNames = new[] { "Router", "Modem" };
var query = CreateQueryFromFilter(filter);
var client = new ElasticClient();
// Test Serialization
var serialized = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(client.Serializer.Serialize(query));
// TODO: How to convert the IQuery to QueryContainer?
//client.Search<Product>(s => s.Query(q => query));
private static IQuery CreateQueryFromFilter(ProductFilter filter)
var baseBoolean = new BoolQueryDescriptor<Product>();
if (filter.IncludeNames != null && filter.IncludeNames.Length > 0)
foreach (var include in filter.IncludeNames)
// TODO: This overwrites the previous must
baseBoolean.Must(q => q.Term(t => t.Name, include));
if (filter.ExcludeNames != null && filter.ExcludeNames.Length > 0)
foreach (var exclude in filter.ExcludeNames)
// TODO: This overwrites the previous must
baseBoolean.MustNot(q => q.Term(t => t.Name, exclude));
if (filter.MaxPrice > 0)
// TODO: This overwrites the previous must
baseBoolean.Must(q => q.Range(r => r.LowerOrEquals(filter.MaxPrice).OnField(f => f.Price)));
return baseBoolean;
As you can see, I'd like to create some kind of query object (most likely BoolQuery) and then fill this object later on. I've added some TODOS in code where I have the actual problems. But in general, there are just too many possibilities (IQuery, QueryContainer, XXXQueryDescriptor, SearchDescriptor, SearchRequest) and I cannot figure out how to successfully "build" a query part by part.
Anybody who could enlighten me?